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Troubleshooting Image and Other File Uploads

If you experience problems uploading images, videos, and other files to your website, this guide will help you learn some common causes and how to solve them.

Check the File Size

We recommend keeping image files below 1GB, which is large enough even for the highest-quality images. There’s rarely a reason to go over this size for pictures. See our Optimize Your Images guide to learn how to decrease image file sizes without compromising quality. If your image is more than 1GB, we recommend reducing the dimensions and compressing it until it’s below that value.

Similarly, try compressing other file types before uploading. You can check the size of your files by right-clicking and selecting Properties on Windows. On Mac, press Command + Click and choose “Get Info“.

If you receive an error that the file is too large when uploading a site from another provider, visit our Import guide to learn how to resolve the error.

Check Your Storage Space

Your storage space may be full. Our Get More Storage Space guide explains how to check your storage space.

You may consider compressing your files and only uploading the size you need. Most website visitors use a screen resolution of 1920 x 1080 or lower, so depending on the purpose of your site and its audience, anything bigger than that may be unnecessary. One notable exception is photography or art-based sites for which images are the main focus.

You can upgrade your plan or purchase an add-on to increase storage space.

Use Valid File Names

While WordPress does some clever behind-the-scenes checks to avoid invalid filenames being an issue, it’s far better to name your images correctly ahead of time.

It is recommended to stick to letters and numbers only. If the file name of your image has other characters, they will be removed or replaced with the ‘-‘ symbol.

Use a Valid File Type

WordPress supports these common file types.

Some other formats are not accepted and will cause an error upon upload. If a file type is not supported, it will be for a good reason, such as the file type is so large that it would slow down your site.

If you have images and other files in unsupported formats that you want to use, then you should convert them to a valid file type before uploading. You can do this with editing software or a free online converter.

Check Your Internet Connection

If your network connection is slow, you may see an error while uploading images. You can use an online speed test tool to measure your connection’s upload speed. Switch to a faster connection to upload images if it’s too slow.

Check the Site Address

If you recently made changes to your site’s primary address, including connecting a new domain to your site, you may not see all of your content right away. For example, images may not appear on your site immediately after changing your site address. Follow these steps to ensure your new site address is set up:

  1. Review our Troubleshooting Domain Errors guide.
  2. Allow up to 72 hours for any DNS changes to fully propagate.

Use the sRGB Color Profile

For designers, if the colors in your uploaded images appear different from the originals, save your images in sRGB before you upload them. sRGB is a standard default color profile for the web and is the most common color space web servers use today.

The sRGB color profile will work best for resized images. Remember that some sRGB images may still have slight shifts in color when resized on the server. If you want to ensure your colors are as close as possible to the original, upload your images in the same dimensions you’d like to display on your site and insert them at full size with no image dimensions.

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