Inspiration Filter
  1. Discover Prompts, Day 20: Music

    Tell us all about the music you love.

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    Photo by Stas Knop from Pexels
  2. Discover Prompts, Day 19: Three

    Rumor has it that good things come in threes. Do you agree?

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  3. Discover Prompts, Day 18: New

    Feeling bogged down by routine? Today, let’s focus on novelty.

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  4. Go Wild Inside – 17 Ways to Connect with Nature at Home

    On her blog Kids of the Wild Lucy normally likes to talk about how to get your kids outside more. However, there are also ideas for lockdown activities — including ways for children to connect with nature while staying inside.

  5. Discover Prompts, Day 17: Distance

    Faraway, so close? Distance can both separate and connect us.

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  6. Discover Prompts, Day 16: Slow

    We live in a fast-paced, instant-gratification world, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a more relaxed rhythm every once in a while.

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  7. Discover Prompts, Day 15: Scent

    Today, take a deep breath — through your nose.

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  8. Discover Prompts, Day 14: Book

    Have you had more time to read recently? What role do books play in your life?

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    Photo by Lina Kivaka (via Pexels)
  9. Meet the Real Hero Who Inspired Apple TV’s “Home Before Dark”

    Discover the true story of Hilde Lysiak, the young journalist who inspired a new mystery series about her life and her website.

  10. Wide Open School

    Built in a matter of days, Wide Open School is a collaboration between more than 25 educational organizations to help students learn through the COVID-19 crisis. You’ll find free online learning experiences for kids, curated by the editors at Common Sense.

  11. Discover Prompts, Day 13: Teach

    Few things are more powerful than helping others grow.

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  12. Discover Prompts, Day 12: Light

    This Sunday, let’s turn to the bright and shiny.

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  13. Discover Prompts, Day 11: Bite

    Sink your teeth into today’s prompt: Bite.

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  14. Discover Prompts, Day 10: Orchestrate

    Orchestrate: It’s more than just music!

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  15. National Pet Day: Shelter Animals Going Online

    To recognize National Pet Day on April 11, we look at how some animal shelters are tackling the problems they are facing during COVID-19 by going online.

    Courtesy of BCSPCA