Back to Support Account Billing and Upgrades Cancel a Purchase

Cancel a Purchase allows you to manage your subscriptions and other purchases directly through your dashboard. In this guide you will learn how to cancel or remove a purchase from your site. For domain cancellations, see Cancel & Refund a Domain.

Cancel a Subscription

To cancel your website’s plan, email, add-on, domain connection, or other purchase and (if eligible) receive a refund:

  1. Click on your profile at
  2. On the side, select the Purchases menu option:
  1. In the Purchases section, you’ll find a list of all your active subscriptions on Click on the purchase you wish to cancel.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click the option to cancel/remove your plan, email, add-on, or whichever purchase you are canceling.
A box drawn around the Cancel plan option on the details page of a plan.
  1. When prompted, click the “Cancel” button and fill out the brief survey to confirm the cancellation.
The confirmation screen when cancelling a subscription plan.

You can safely cancel a plan and it will not cancel a domain registration, which is a separate purchase. You can keep your domain and cancel your plan only.

After Cancelling a Plan

Once your plan is removed or expires, it will revert to a free site and use the site address. Your website content will not be deleted – it will remain on the free version. You may decide to set the site to private if you think you may wish to access the content again in the future or delete the site entirely to remove it permanently.

If you have uploaded audio or video to your site and downgrade to a plan that does not support audio or video, your existing uploads will not be removed. They will remain embedded in any existing pages or posts you have. However, you will not be able to upload any new audio or video files unless you upgrade your plan.

If downgrading your site results in your media exceeding the available storage space on that plan, no media (i.e., images, audio, video) will be deleted. However, you cannot upload new media until you free up space or upgrade your site’s plan.

Remove a Purchase

By canceling a plan by following the steps above, your plan will remain active until the expiry date. The automatic renewal is turned off, and you will not be charged again.

If you prefer to remove the plan immediately, repeat the steps above where the “Cancel plan” button will be replaced by a “Remove plan” button. Choose this option to remove your purchase instantly, instead of letting it expire on the date of expiration.

Remove a Plan With Plugins Installed

A few additional steps are required when removing a plan on a site with plugins installed. Plugin-enabled sites exist on special servers that support custom code from plugins and other features from your plan.

Cancellation involves moving the site back to our standard server environment. This means:

You will be prompted to download a backup of your site before the plan is removed.

A screen describing what to expect when cancelling a Business or Commerce plan, with two checkboxes to confirm the cancelation, and buttons to keep or remove the plan.
The final step of the pre-cancellation questionnaire for plugin-enabled plans

After you click the “Remove plan” button, an automatic process is triggered to move the site back to the standard server environment. Depending on the size of the site, this can take between 10 minutes and a few hours – you will receive an email once the process is complete.

Revert a Cancellation

If you cancel a purchase but later decide you want to keep the purchase, you can proceed with the following options:

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