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Import using Move to

Interested in migrating your site to

For a short time, we’re offering migrations from your existing WordPress site to for free! Sign up for a new Creator or Entrepreneur plan and our expert Happiness Engineers will handle the migration for you.

Use the Move to plugin to migrate a self-hosted WordPress site to Follow the steps in this guide to import your site (including your content, media, plugins, and theme) directly from your wp-admin dashboard.


To follow the steps in this guide, you will need:

There is no need to create a site on before you get started. The site will be created for you during the migration process.

Install the Move to Plugin

The Move to plugin must be installed on your self-hosted site:

  1. Log into /wp-admin/ on your self-hosted site.
  2. Navigate to PluginsAdd New in your dashboard.
  3. Search for “Move to”:
The Add Plugins section of the WordPress dashboard with the "Move to" text entered in the search field.
  1. Click Install Now.
  2. Once the plugin is installed, click Activate.
The Move to plugin card.

Migrate from Self-Hosted WordPress

With the Move to plugin installed, follow these steps to start the import process:

  1. Log into /wp-admin/ on your self-hosted site.
  2. Click Move to in your WordPress dashboard on the left:
The section of the WordPress dashboard menu where the "Move to" menu item displays once the plugin is active.
  1. Click “Get started“:
The first screen displayed, explaining what will happen when you use the Move to plugin.
  1. Next, you’ll pick your destination. If you have an existing site, you will find it listed on the screen. Or click “create a new one” to create a new destination site.
    • Selecting an existing site will replace any content on the destination site with the migrated content.
  2. If the destination site does not already have a Creator plan or higher, you will be prompted to choose one of these options:
    • Upgrade and migrate: Purchase a plan and start the migration.
    • Try it for free: Sign up for a seven-day free trial with the following restrictions that are removed automatically once you upgrade the site to a Creator plan or higher:
  1. The final step will be to click the “Start migration” button.
    • If you know your original site’s SSH/SFTP credentials, you can use the option to “Provide the server credentials” for a faster migration. Learn more about adding server credentials to your self-hosted site’s Jetpack Plugin.

The migration from this point forward will be automated. The importer will automatically take the following steps:

  1. Takes a backup of your self-hosted site.
  2. Imports the backup to your new site.
  3. Completes the migration.

You will receive an email to your account email address to notify you when the import has finished.

After the Import

When the import completes:

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