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Import a Website

No matter where your site is now, you can move it to This guide covers import options for sites built with WordPress and other platforms. If you know what kind of site you need to upload, select the option from the table of contents in this guide.

Import A Site

Interested in migrating your site to

For a short time, we’re offering migrations from your existing WordPress site to for free! Sign up for a new Creator or Entrepreneur plan and our expert Happiness Engineers will handle the migration for you.

If you have a site with another WordPress host or a local development/staging WordPress site, you can move it to using one of the options listed below. Each guide includes instructions on how to upload an entire site, including content, media, plugins, and theme from another WordPress host to

The above options require the purchase of a Creator plan or higher so that plugins can be imported. For an option that can be used on any plan, including free sites, import the content only (pages, posts, and media.)

Import A Site

If you already have a website on but want to move it to another site or account, you can choose the best option for your needs:

Import A Non-WordPress Site

We provide several tools to move a website to, even when it’s not built on WordPress. Click the corresponding link below to learn how to upload a site from that platform:

Import From WP Playground

WordPress Playground is a tool for running WordPress in your browser to learn, test, and develop with WordPress. We support WordPress export files in XML & ZIP and Playground ZIP files. Import to a new site via this link:

Resolve Import Errors

Import File is too Big

There are a few reasons why you may get this error:

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