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Edit the Single Posts Template

The Single Posts template controls the layout of individual posts on your site. When you make a change to this template, the change will reflect on all your posts, ensuring a consistent experience for visitors browsing through your blog. This guide will show you how to customize the Single Posts template.

When to Edit the Single Posts Template

If your site uses a theme that supports the site editor, you can access and edit templates. A quick way to determine if your site uses the site editor is to check for Appearance → Editor in your site’s dashboard.

Edit the Single Posts template if you want to change the overall layout of all posts that use this template.

If you want to change the content of one post only, do not edit the Single Posts template. Instead, go to Posts in your site’s dashboard and click on that particular post to edit it directly.

Step 1: Open the Template Editor

To find and edit the Single Posts template, follow these steps:

  1. From your site’s dashboard, click on Appearance → Editor.
  2. In the left side panel, click “Templates” and select the Single Posts template.
  3. Click the pencil icon to start editing the template. The left sidebar will close so you can focus on editing.
In Appearance → Editor, we select Templates, then Single, then click the button that says Edit.

Step 2: Explore the Template’s Layout

First, it’s helpful to understand the blocks already part of the template. Open List View to see a list of all blocks in the template. List View is the icon at the top left of the screen that looks like three horizontal lines above each other:

The List View is opened, displaying the blocks used on the Single template.
List View showing a list of blocks commonly found in a Single template

Here, you’ll see all of the elements (known in the WordPress editor as blocks) of your template. A typical Single Posts template will have the following elements:

While every WordPress theme is different, these are the standard elements of a Single Posts template that you can expect to see on most themes. You may see other elements included in your Single Posts template, which you can edit as you wish.

Step 3: Customize the Design

Your theme’s templates provide you with a professional, well-designed layout to start from. To personalize the default design, you can swap out the text and images for your own content and add or remove any elements of the layout.

Here, we’ll explain a few common adjustments you may wish to make to your Single Posts template.

Add New Elements

If you want to add an element to your posts, such as a subscription box, a contact form, or a button, you can add it to the Single Posts template to appear on all posts that use this template.

Click the + block inserter to add a new block where you’d like the content to appear. You can use the List View to accurately select the position where the block will go. Once you save your changes, the new block you add will appear on all posts that use the template you’re editing.

Reorganize the Layout

You can move and remove all the various elements that make up the template, such as the featured image, the title, author, and main content area.

Click on the List View button at the top left to see a list of all the blocks used in the template. You can change the order of blocks by clicking and dragging them in the List View:

GIF showing the action of clicking and dragging a block in list view.
Click and drag any block in List View to move it. See Select and Move Blocks for more.

Edit the Post Meta

Post meta refers to elements like Author, Date, Categories, and Tags for individual posts. Some themes may include a template part called Post Meta or Post Meta Icons.

You can remove the date, author, and other meta information here to stop them from displaying on your posts.

You can also add individual blocks for Author, Date, Categories, and Tags if your theme does not have the Post Meta or Post Meta Icons template parts.

Slow down or speed up the video using the controls in the lower right corner after clicking Play

Change or Remove the Comments Area

Similar to editing the Post Meta above, you can also select the Comments area to change or remove how this appears on your posts. View our Comments block guide for more detail on the elements that make up the Comments area.

Move the Title

When editing the Single Posts template as described above, you will see the Title block, which represents where the post’s title will be shown on your individual blog posts. If there is no Title block, you can add it. The block has settings to change the alignment, size, color, and more.

GIF showing the process of moving the page title to the center.
Changing the title from a left alignment to the center

When editing the Single Posts template described above, you will see the Featured Image block that shows a featured image on your individual posts. If there is no Featured Image block, you can add it.

The Featured Image block contains many settings you can adjust, such as size, position, spacing, and overlay color.

For the Featured Image block, you can also select the aspect ratio —the proportional relationship between an image’s width and height. The default Original aspect ratio maintains the aspect ratio of the uploaded featured image. You can also choose one of the custom aspect ratios. When you select a custom aspect ratio, you must also select one of the following Style options to decide how the image interacts with the image frame.

If you wish to hide the featured image so that it does not appear on a post or page, you can remove the Featured Image block. To hide the featured image, select the block, click the three dots icon in the toolbar above it, and choose the “Delete” option. See Remove a Block for more information.

If, instead, you wish to update or remove a featured image from a specific post or page, follow the steps in this guide to Replace or Remove a Featured Image.

Add a Sidebar to Posts

Blog posts often have a sidebar to show information such as an author bio, links to social profiles, categories, and top posts. Visit Add a Sidebar Using the Site Editor to learn how to add a sidebar to any template.

Change the Content Width

If you want the content of your posts to appear wider or narrower, you can control this in the Single Posts template.

When viewing the contents of the Single Posts template, the width is typically controlled by the blocks named Group. To change the width, follow these steps:

  1. Using List View, select the Group that contains the content.
  2. A toolbar will appear alongside the Group of content. Select the width option as shown here:
The Group block is selected, and an arrow points to the width/alignment option in the toolbar. The option has been clicked, and settings are displayed for wide width and full width.
  1. Select wide width or full width to change the width of your content.

If your Content block is nested within a Group block, you may need to toggle the option “Inner blocks use content width” off in the Group block’s settings.

The Group block includes a lot of additional settings for layout, color, and more. Learn all about the Group block.

Step 4: Apply the Single Posts Template to a Post

By the end of this guide, you might have finalized the layout of your Single Posts template. By default, any posts you create will use the Single Posts Template. You can use the following steps to ensure a post uses the Single Posts Template:

  1. Starting in your site’s dashboard, click on Posts.
  2. Click on a post to edit that post.
  3. In the Settings sidebar on the right, click on the Template as shown in the next image. If you don’t see the Settings sidebar, click the settings icon next to Publish or Update to open your Settings sidebar.
  4. If you are editing a standard post, the Template should show as Default template. Otherwise, click the template name and select Single Posts template from the drop-down.
  5. Click Update/Publish to save the change.
  6. View the post to check your post has the intended layout.

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