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Change a Domain’s Name Servers

Nameservers determine where your domain’s DNS is hosted and managed. This guide will show you how to change your domain’s name servers to point to or any other host.

Important Considerations when Changing DNS

Changing, or updating, your domain name’s servers means changing where your domain’s DNS records are managed. DNS records control many things, including:

Before you change your domain name’s name servers, make sure you’ve set up all the necessary DNS records you need with your new domain host.

Domain Email Addresses

If you have an email address with your domain, it may stop working after changing the domain’s name servers. To avoid this disruption in your email services, add the necessary DNS records (usually a type of DNS record called ‘MX’) to your new DNS provider first.

For example, if you are changing your name servers to, first add the necessary DNS records to the domain in your account. You can contact your current email provider to obtain these DNS records and follow these steps to add the records. Doing so will ensure your email continues to work after changing the domain’s name servers.

Domain Renewal and Billing

Changing the name servers does not change who you pay for your domain name. Your domain name is still registered (paid for) with your existing domain provider, but your domain’s DNS records are managed where the name servers are set. If you want your billing managed through a single provider, you can transfer your domain name to or away from

Change Name Servers to

You can change your name servers to point your domain to a website. This is the recommended method for pointing a domain registered at another provider to your site. Before changing the name servers, make sure you read these important considerations.

The steps to change your domain’s nameservers depend on where your domain is registered:

Domains Registered With

By default, all domains registered through will use name servers, but you may have changed them to point away from and would like to change them back.

Another reason to use these steps is if you have recently transferred your domain to Your name servers will not change automatically after the transfer is complete.

  1. From your site’s dashboard, navigate to Upgrades → Domains (or Hosting → Domains if using WP-Admin).
  2. Click on the domain you want to edit.
  3. Select the “Name servers” option.
  4. Enable the “Use Name Servers” setting.
The Use name servers option in domain management.

It can take up to 72 hours for these changes to become fully active, but you may see them take effect much sooner.

Domains Registered With Other Companies

If your domain is registered elsewhere and you are connecting your domain to, log into your domain provider and change your name servers there to the following:

If you don’t know where your domain is registered, look it up in the Site Profiler.

If you are unsure how to change these name servers, please contact your current registrar for further assistance. You can find a list of common domain providers and their steps here.

Change Name Servers Away From

Before changing name servers, make sure you read these important considerations.

If you want to point your domain away from to a site hosted elsewhere, you can change the domain’s name servers or transfer the domain registration.

In some cases, the transfer option may not be available. For example, if you just registered your domain, you won’t be able to transfer it for the first 60 days due to ICANN’s transfer lock policy (ICANN is the governing body of all domain registrars.) Or, your new host may not support domain registration transfers.

If a domain registration transfer is not an option, you can use name servers to point your domain to your new host. The steps below will explain how to find your new host’s name servers and update the records on

Step 1: Find Your New Name Servers

Name servers are unique to each hosting provider. The best way to find your new host’s name servers is to search your host’s help section or contact their support. Here are some links to popular hosts and their name servers:


If your new hosting provider does not use name servers, you can instead set A records (IP addresses) to point your domain to your new hosting provider.

Step 2: Add Third-Party Name Servers

To change the name servers on your domain to a different host, take the following steps:

  1. From your site’s dashboard, navigate to Upgrades → Domains (or Hosting → Domains if using WP-Admin).
  2. Select the domain you want to edit.
  3. Click the “Name servers” option.
  4. Click the toggle to disable the “Use name servers” option.
  5. Enter the name servers given to you by your new hosting provider. After entering two nameserver values, boxes will appear to add additional values.
  6. Click the “Save custom name servers” button:
The name servers section of your domain with a highlight around the toggle for Use name servers, and another around the custom name servers section.
Disable Use name servers to enter your custom name servers
  1. (Optional) Change the site’s primary domain to the free site address so that you can continue to access your settings on the site.

It can take up to 72 hours for the changes you make to your DNS to be fully active, but you may see the changes take effect much sooner.

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