How Fantasy Football Fans Can Use WordPress to Turn Knowledge Into Cash

To some, fantasy football might seem like a new trend or fad that just the most die-hard fans use to quench their thirst for the game. But it actually dates back to the 1960’s, and shows no signs of slowing down. 

In 2021 alone, the industry is anticipated to grow almost ten percent to $22.3 billion. By 2025, the number is expected to be north of $38 billion.

A whopping 56 million Americans are set to participate in fantasy sports in 2021, with the majority of that number representing football. This isn’t surprising as (according to ESPN) 49% of Americans are NFL fans, creating the largest sports fan base in the country.

Participants spent upwards of $800 million on fantasy football media products like television channels, websites, and magazines in 2014. With its continued growth, that number’s likely much higher today. 

If you have a passion for the game, and a spark of entrepreneurship, there’s no reason that you can’t claim a portion of those proceeds for yourself. It’s the perfect excuse to dive even deeper into what you love.

Making Money from Fantasy Football

If you do turn your passion for fantasy football into a profitable side hustle or small business venture, you certainly won’t be the first. The internet abounds with successful fantasy sports sites of every shape and size.

In fact, your first step towards your own site should be to study the most successful fantasy sports entrepreneurs who have gone before you. Take a look at what they’ve done, or posted.  What’s gotten the greatest number of views and responses? What topics have elicited the most dialog or positive feedback? Do they have forums? If they do, what are the most popular topics of conversation or information?

Dive as deep as you can into the hearts and minds of your target audience and find out what they’re looking for so you can provide it. What kind of help did you wish you had when you got started? What kinds of information is so valuable to your game that you couldn’t go without it? Do your friends and fellow players ask you the same kinds of questions over and over again? These are all clues for what you can offer, at scale, to the rest of the world through your own website. 

Here are a few things you might consider:

  • Are you more interested in covering the NFL, college, or non-U.S. ball?
  • What topics will you specialize in: historical data and prediction, player stats, league news, current trends, etc.?
  • How many hours are you willing to commit each week, and how many posts? (Establishing a schedule that your visitors can trust is vital.)

Whatever niche you choose, commit to it, dedicate yourself to becoming the expert, and understand that consistently staying at the top of your game is essential to gaining traction and growing your following and revenue. 

Premium Content 

If you’re creating the type of content that’s bringing readers back to your site day after day, it’s time to consider offering a subscription for fans to access your most valuable information. These kinds of subscriptions are most often offered for monthly or yearly periods (you could call this a “season pass!”).  

As part of their membership, subscribers might also receive a weekly newsletter with a rundown of can’t-miss headlines and content. Or, you may want to sell a paid email newsletter as an add-on or standalone offering. 

Premium content might include more advanced information like:

  • Successful mathematical team building formulas
  • Predictive models
  • “As it happens” news that could affect players or teams
  • Line-up optimizers
  • Actionable advice from seasoned professionals
  • Personal Q&A, strategy advice, and real-time guidance during league drafts
  • Premium opinion articles
  • Weekly player recaps
  • Interviews with experts
  • Injury reports

If you’ve built your site on, you can quickly add a premium content section to your site with the Premium Content Block. Accept readers’ one-time, monthly, or annual payments and allows them to access content from written articles to videos and images. 

Visitors will see options to subscribe or log in when they attempt to view the premium content. And if you’ve built up a following, subscriptions might just sell themselves.

Payments with PayPal

Millions of people trust PayPal to buy, sell, and send money. And if offering a restricted, premium content area isn’t your thing, you can still generate revenue on your site by selling almost any product or one-time service you can think of. 

You can quickly add a PayPal button to your WordPress site with the Pay with PayPal block. Ask followers to book you for one-on-one consultations, real-time guidance during their league’s draft, or a 30-minute emergency session to turn around a losing season. 

You can even add a payment button across the entire site by putting it in a Widget area like the footer or sidebar. Give a prompt like, 

“Winning your league? Say thanks — buy me a cold one!” 

Essentially, you set up an opportunity for fans to tip you $5 as a thanks for producing great content. You might be surprised how many fans take you up on the deal. 

Learn more about taking payments on your site with PayPal

Note: if you’re not using, you can still take advantage of the Pay with PayPal block with some Jetpack plans.

Ad Revenue

You can also sell sponsorships or ads on your site directly. This can be a great option if a reputable company reaches out to you about a partnership. But selling advertising manually can take a lot of work — and probably isn’t how you want to spend your time.

That’s why one of the most recognized ways of generating income on a blog or website is through the use of third-party ads that pay the site owner each time it’s engaged with  — viewed or clicked.

The small value of each engagement grows quite quickly when there are thousands of visits each day. And if you do include these kinds of ads on your site, there’s not much additional work you’ll have to do. Keep attracting interested visitors and watch the ad revenue pile up. 

WordPress site owners can make money with advertisements using WordAds and revenue will be deposited directly into their PayPal account. 

WordPress’s official advertising program, WordAds features the most current and popular ads from external ad networks like Google, Facebook, AOL, and more.  

Typical ad layout in the sidebar of a web page

Many factors contribute to revenue, including visits to your site and the content itself. WordAd revenue is not earned by the number of direct clicks on an ad.

It’s available for sites on the Premium, Business, and plugin-enabled plans that use a custom domain (for example, instead of You can opt in to the program by going to My Sites → Tools and clicking the Earn ad revenue button, then clicking the Join WordAds button under the Settings tab.

Note: if you’re not using, you can still take advantage of WordAds with some Jetpack plans.

Affiliate Content

Affiliate content advertising is the term used for writing or posting content intended to promote a specific product or service, and usually includes a trackable link to the product or sales page being promoted.

For the fantasy football niche, these links might connect your readers to:

  • Pay-per-view sports cable sites
  • Team gear
  • Fantasy football draft kits
  • Other related merchandise

Unlike pay-per-click advertising, affiliate advertising only pays you when one of your readers clicks on the link and makes a purchase. That purchase is credited to you through the trackable link, and a portion of the sale is passed along.

Affiliate marketing, when properly presented and targeted, can be a hugely successful method of income generation, providing popular site owners with up to six-figure annual incomes or more.

The key is to find the products or services that will best serve your visitors, and make those benefits as clear as possible to them. You also don’t want to include too many affiliate links or visitors will start to feel spammed.

You can include affiliate links on your content page as long as your site meets WordPress’s policy that the primary purpose of your blog is to provide original content and is not used solely for advertising purposes (which tends to turn away readers anyway). 

One of the easiest and most popular ways of getting started with affiliate advertising is to sign up and participate in Amazon’s Affiliate Program. You can read Amazon’s support documentation and sign up instructions on adding Amazon Affiliate links to your content.

Turn Fantasy Football into Real Money 

Whether you’re wanting to start a hobby blog to document your fantasy football experiences, build a world-renowned, expert resource for dedicated fans, or anything in between, WordPress can help you achieve it.

Through innovations like the Block Editor, WordPress continues to refine and perfect the blogging and editing experience. The block editor gives you complete control over your pages, post layouts, and revenue-generating content, allowing you to create visually-stunning blogs that help sell your knowledge.

To some, fantasy football may just be a hobby, but the truth is that you really can generate a significant side income (or even more). Create your site and start building the career of your dreams!


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