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Editor Command Palette

The Command Palette helps you streamline your workflow in the WordPress editor by providing a centralized location to work on various aspects of your site’s design. This guide will explain how to make the most of the Command Palette to speed up your editing process.

Access the Command Palette

The Command Palette is a part of the WordPress Editor. To access the Command Palette, follow these steps:

  1. Visit your dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Appearance → Editor (block themes) or edit any page or post on your site (all themes).
  3. On your keyboard, press Cmd+k on Mac or Ctrl+k on Windows.

Alternatively, if you’re editing a template or template part, you can click the template title to search for commands:

Screenshot of the Command Palette opened from the template title in the template editor.
Click the title at the top center of the template editor to open the Command Palette

Video Demonstration

Use the Command Palette

When searching the Command Palette, use the words bolded below to discover available commands.

Global Options

You can quickly open patterns and styles, add a new page or post, customize CSS, and select Navigation, Styles, Pages, Templates, and Patterns.

Template Editor Options

From the Template view, in addition to the global options above, you can open patterns, the code editor, styles, and editor preferences. You can also toggle the settings sidebar, block inspector, spotlight mode, distraction-free, top toolbar, and list view.

While working on a template, you can search for a specific page or post and edit it directly through the Site Editor. Adding a new post or page will take you to the editor for that page.

Available Commands

Commands that can be used in the Command Palette include:

To find out more commands, type a letter or word in the Command Palette search field and a list of available commands containing the letter or word will appear. You can execute the command by clicking it, or by pressing Enter or Return on your keyboard.

Some commands won’t appear in the Command Palette if they don’t apply to your current context. For example, the command to reset a template will not display if the template has not been customized.

Additionally, commands will only perform actions available to the site based on its plan. For example, the command to open CSS will not work on a site without an eligible plan.

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