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100-Year Plan

The 100-Year hosting plan is designed exclusively for those seeking the ultimate security and longevity for their digital presence. This guide will help you understand what to expect from your 100-Year Plan, both now and in the future.

Who is the 100-Year Plan For?

This brand-new offering is best for:

Introducing the 100-Year Plan

100-Year Plan Features

The 100-Year Plan will help you protect your legacy with a variety of features, including the following:

All Features of the Creator Plan

In addition to our managed-hosting and built-in features from our platform, the key features of the Creator plan include an ad-free experience, advanced SEO tools, custom themes, plugin installation, access to 24/7 support from our Happiness Engineers, and more.

Our advanced security protocols from the Creator plan are also included in the 100-Year Plan. These security features include automated data center failover, managed malware protection, DDOS mitigation, a web application firewall, two-factor authentication, real-time backups, one-click restore, and automatic updates. We also maintain multiple backups of your content across geographically distributed data centers.

Domain Registration for Life

With the 100-Year Plan, you may register a domain at in most top-level domains we support, except premium domains and the .movie, .casino, and .creditcard domains. View the full list of our supported top-level domains.

Due to a 10-year limit for all domain registrations, our team will start with a 10-year registration and renew your domain yearly to keep it active for the life of your 100-Year Plan. If your chosen domain is no longer supported during the course of your 100-Year Plan, we will help you select a new supported domain at no additional cost.

Upcoming Features

We are currently planning to implement more functionality to enhance the 100-Year Plan experience. These upcoming features include the following:

Applicable Terms

As with all of our plans, the 100-Year Plan is subject to our Terms of Service, and you and your site must comply with the User Guidelines. Normally, usernames and URLs can be reclaimed due to prolonged inactivity, but this won’t apply to your 100-Year Plan.


Refunds for the 100-Year Plan are limited to 120 days after purchase. No refunds are available after 120 days, but please contact us anytime if you have questions or concerns about your plan. We’re here to help.

Updates and Changes to the 100-Year Plan

One hundred years is a long time, and a lot may change within that timeframe. While we can’t predict how technology and the internet will change, we can help explain how these changes will impact your 100-Year Plan and how our support team will help you adapt to any changes.

You should periodically review the detailed features of the Creator Plan to understand any updates or changes to your 100-Year plan features. The nature and frequency of these changes may vary, but we will strive to maintain a plan that is of equal or better value than the Creator Plan on the date of your original purchase.

In some cases, an important feature may be significantly changed or deprecated, and we will notify you in advance. If the change or deprecation is materially significant to the operation or preservation of your site, then, to the extent possible, we will work with you to provide an alternative solution of similar functionality and value. If a feature becomes technologically obsolete, an alternative feature generally will not be required due to a minimal impact to your site.

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