How to Turn Your Cryptocurrency Knowledge into a Profitable Online Course

When cryptocurrency and the concept of Bitcoin first appeared it was met with skepticism by many and wildly embraced by others. But years later, cryptocurrency is now considered mainstream and people from around the globe want to know more. 

For example, the price of Bitcoin hit an all-time high in 2021. The world has taken notice, and many people want a piece of the pie. 

If you’re someone who has the knowledge and experience to teach others about cryptocurrency, hearing about the millions of eager students is music to your ears. Now is your time to shine. There are plenty of opportunities for you to share your tips and teach others what you’ve learned and generate recurring revenue by talking about your passion. 

Creating content on a platform that you own

Social media and forums are a great place to discuss cryptocurrency and share your thoughts. They’re solid ways to discover influential experts and others who are already providing insights to large groups of followers — either for free or as part of a paid offering. 

But one key in making money from your expertise is creating informative, valuable, and captivating content on a platform that’s uniquely yours. Even if you’re only selling a course, consistent blog posts or videos that are available for free are key to proving value and marketing your offering. 

Creating your own site on is a straightforward way to establish your presence in the digital world. It’s a site you can build yourself and not a profile that someone else owns and can take down at their own will. 

Once you create your own site and start to drive traffic to it you can start offering a paid course to share your most advanced knowledge. You’ll also find there are other ways to monetize your efforts — from advertising to accepting tips in exchange for advice. 

Studying and identifying your target market

You’ll need to take several steps before you launch your course and make money. Start by looking into what other crypto courses are out there. What’s gaining the most traction? What topics are trending? Do these courses or websites have forums? 

Speaking of your target audience, it’s critical that you understand who you’re creating a course for. Knowing this information will help you provide exactly what they need and help you reach them when it’s time to advertise your course. 

So, before we dive deeper into how you can make money as a cryptocurrency expert, consider the following:

  • What topics will you cover? How specific will you get? Is your plan to launch a beginner’s guide or create more niche content? Do you want to cover mining? Crowdfunding? The real estate sector? Bitcoin? Cryptocurrency and taxes? 
  • How much time are you willing to invest in this venture? Will it be a full-time gig?

The key is to consistently create content that your audience finds valuable. This will allow you to gain the traction and following you need to grow your revenue. 

Now, it’s time to uncover how you can make money sharing your crypto expertise. 

Sell cryptocurrency information and courses with premium content 

Once you have a consistent audience, you can start creating premium content like online courses. Here are just a few ideas for things you can include:

  • Interviews with industry experts — the top miners, crypto software engineers, research analysts, or financial analysts
  • Predictive models, focusing on specific or general topics
  • “What’s trending” in crypto news and how that may affect your readers
  • Weekly or monthly recaps, covering all things related to crypto 

You can sell access with a one-time purchase or create a subscription so you can generate recurring revenue from your top followers. 

Recommended reading: Should You Create an Online Course or a Membership Site?

If you have a crypto site on, it’s easy to add a premium content section using the Paid Content Block

This block makes it easy to designate certain content as “premium” and require a subscription for visitors to view it. The block takes care of all of the heavy lifting like collecting payments and granting access to the right users. Sell subscriptions on a weekly, monthly, or annual basis, and charge the amount you choose! 

The content that requires a subscription might be specific blog posts. But you can also use it to sell video courses by designating these as premium content and requiring a subscription for access. 

You might also have an ongoing course with new lessons that are released each week. This will motivate subscribers to stay on board in exchange for the latest news, lessons, and updated information. 

Or if you want to build a business around online courses, you may want to consider using WooCommerce and the Sensei Pro (WC Paid Courses) extension. This opens up lots of extra functionality so you can do things like:

  • Divide courses into modules and lessons
  • Administer quizzes
  • Message students
  • Deliver feedback on student work

To learn more, read this article about selling online courses with WooCommerce.

You may also be interested in our free course: Building Online Courses or webinar: Effortless Course Creation.

Accept PayPal payments

Consider leveraging the power of a PayPal button on your WordPress site. This approach allows you to sell any product or service in exchange for a one-time fee. Write an eBook about how to master crypto and sell it on your website!

You could also offer one-on-one consultations for people who have individualized questions. If something significant happens in the world of crypto, like when China declared cryptocurrency transactions illegal, you can host a real-time guidance session. Leverage what’s happening in the industry and create what your audience needs. 

The Pay with PayPal block makes the process simple and easy for both you and your audience and has the trusted name of PayPal behind it — helping to encourage a press of that “buy now” button. 

If you’ve been receiving great feedback, you can even add a tip button. Say something like, “Did your latest crypto investment pay off? Buy me a coffee.” Give them the option to tip you $2, $5, or an amount of their choice.

Generate ad revenue

Selling ads can be a time-intensive process, which is why it’s beneficial to use third-party ads. You’ll earn money each time someone interacts with an ad on your site. It takes very little time or effort to set these ads up, and then as traffic to your website grows, your ad revenue will build. 

WordAds is an excellent platform that features the most current and popular ads from networks like Facebook, Google, and more. The revenue you earn will be deposited directly into your PayPal account — and you’ll get paid for each view.

Make money with affiliate marketing

The concept of affiliate marketing is to refer your readers to some of your favorite products and services in exchange for a commission. Include a special link within a post and when someone makes a purchase, you’ll get paid. 

The key here is to promote products that you truly believe in and that are useful and relevant to the majority of your visitors. You have a reputation to uphold. Also, remain mindful of WordPress affiliate linking rules.

Ready to make money as a cryptocurrency expert?

Now is the time to act — as a cryptocurrency expert, you can build a dedicated following and WordPress can help every step of the way. Create your site and start building your crypto community today!


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