Your Website Looks Great. So Should Your Emails.

A Fresh New Design For Subscriber Emails

We recently rolled out some fresh, flavorful updates to the design of the emails that go out to your subscribers when you publish new posts to your site. With this new design update we worked on modernizing the out-the-box email templates that come with your website.

Clean, Content-First Design

Let’s take a look at the new look and feel.

Design can have a huge impact on engagement. With the new update, your subscribers will get a fresh looking email when they subscribe, receive a welcome email, and whenever you publish new posts. The new designs put your content first, and look beautiful on any device.

1. Confirmation Email

When a site visitor subscribes to your updates, the first email they’ll get will ask them to confirm their subscription. This helps make sure that the person subscribing is the owner of the email address shared. Just in case.

To put your personal stamp on that email, you can edit the message that gets sent out. Just head to: Settings → Reading → Follower settings → “Blog follow email text”, and you’re all set.

2. Welcome Email

Once your subscriber has confirmed that they’re good to go ahead, they’ll receive a Welcome Email. This one’s really important.

It turns out that the average open rate of Welcome Emails is 82% (GetResponse, 2017). So, for every 100 emails you send out, 82 people will open them. Compare that with the average email open rate of just 21%, and it’s easy to see how making a good first impression really matters.

3. New Subscriber Email

We don’t leave you out, either. 

At the same time your new subscriber gets their Welcome Email, you’ll get a New Subscriber email. So you can celebrate.

4. New Post Updates

Now your subscriber’s all set, they’ll get a fresh new email every time you add a new post to your site. That’s one more reminder that you’re out there and publishing. And one more reason to keep coming back for more.

Getting Started

Email is one of the best ways to reach your site visitors, with 4.3 Billion users around the world forecast for this year alone (Statista, 2021). 

On, tapping into that huge audience is as simple as adding a block to your site. Check out our support guide for the subscribe block to walk you through how to get that up and running.

Adding the block makes it a couple-of-clicks simple for your site visitors to subscribe to your content. 

And once they’ve subscribed, they’ll receive all of your latest updates – with the new, fresh design – direct to their inbox.

Missing out on the latest developments? Enter your email below to receive future announcements direct to your inbox. An email confirmation will be sent before you will start receiving notifications—please check your spam folder if you don't receive this.

Join 107.6M other subscribers


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  1. aparnachillycupcakes

    Seems awesome !

    Liked by 16 people

  2. Barbara Stroud

    I’ve noticed no image appears in the emails to subscribers. Is that intentional? Is there a setting to turn it back on? Love the new design.

    Liked by 6 people

    • Ivan Ottinger

      Thank you for your feedback, Barbara.

      > I’ve noticed no image appears in the emails to subscribers. Is that intentional? Is there a setting to turn it back on?

      Could you please share the details with us? For instance, would it be possible to send us a screenshot of an email that is missing the image and the device / email client name (e.g. Outlook / Mail app on macOS, …)? You can use the email address and we will happy to take a closer look.

      Generally, Featured images are not displayed in the “New Post” notification email.


      Liked by 8 people

      • Barbara Stroud

        I don’t use Featured images, should regular images (one image) used in my post be included in the new post email? If so will send screenshot. Thank you!

        Liked by 2 people

        • KokkieH

          If you send out full posts in email notifications, they should include any images in your post content. But not all email clients show those images, and individual subscribers can also block images from displaying in their email settings. So most likely that’s why you’re not seeing images, but please email support with more details and we can take a closer look for you 🙂

          Liked by 3 people

  3. Ritish Sharma

    I kinda like this new Email design. It is decent.

    Liked by 6 people

  4. Dan Woog

    The emails themselves though — to subscribers, every time I post — have drawn some complaints. Some readers say the photos appear elongated now.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Uniquehans


    Liked by 3 people

  6. Gaurav Tiwari

    Hi, is there a way we can customize the Welcome Emails? I want to give my subscribers a free-ebook when they sign up for the newsletter.

    Liked by 8 people

  7. Kirsten

    I like the email design. Looks more modern.

    Liked by 8 people

  8. GordianMarket at Wordpress!

    Thanks for sharing, pretty good job!

    Liked by 7 people

  9. Michel Lachance

    Ce que je trouve regrettable c’est que vos vidéos de tutorial ne sont pas en français et a cause de ca je suis ralenti si ce n’est bloqué!?

    J’aimerais vraiment pouvoir bien comprendre et faire moi-même le tous sauf la compréhension des vidéos me bloc?

    Avez-vous une solution?

    Liked by 5 people

  10. SusanR

    I like clean and modern but this new design drifts perilously close to cold and institutional.

    Liked by 6 people

  11. colincoles2016

    Going forward. Looks crisp. clear of clutter.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Natasha Ruhwald

    Oh neat, I didn’t know we could personalize our welcome emails! Neat. Nice new look.

    Liked by 8 people

  13. Pit

    What I an missing in the new design is that I don’t get a link to the new subscriber nor any mentioning of / link to some of their posts. The same holds true for e-mail notifications to me of likes or comments in my blog. Both helped me a lot to find blogs I like.

    Liked by 6 people

  14. Jeffrey Zeldman


    Liked by 4 people

  15. kbayneblog


    Liked by 4 people

  16. L.K. Latham

    Thanks! I like nice, quick update info. Easy to read and still leaves me with plenty to think about.

    Liked by 6 people

  17. Dov Fitoussi

    Great look, but…
    – Could you stick site name to logo on the left (Logo|Site name)?
    – for non American sites, could you set post date to appropriate format (DD/MM or even better : DD/MM/YY)?

    Liked by 4 people

  18. stylifeblogg

    this really can help in some way

    Liked by 4 people

  19. Tanish Shrivastava

    Well, time to go and tamper with the settings.

    Liked by 4 people

  20. Ibrahim Samuel

    Nice one

    Liked by 4 people

  21. sambright22


    Liked by 2 people

  22. Naimaoa writes

    Here for it!

    Liked by 2 people

  23. Aaron

    Could you include a feature that allows not to send an email for a specific post? Sometimes I don’t want the post to go out to all my subs.

    Liked by 5 people

  24. Joe

    I had several readers complain about receiving what they described as malformed new post emails (featured image was oversized was the #1 complaint). All I could say was WP was giving their email layouts some attention after all these years and I hoped they did not unsubscribe since there was nothing I could do.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. nickigist

    I need subscribers 😢

    Liked by 3 people

  26. Andrew Mwebaze

    Is this for websites hosted on bluehist too

    Liked by 1 person

  27. kamola

    About time!


  28. deepanilamani

    Thank You for the “Fresh New Designs for Subscriber E Mails 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  29. koseg

    I had several readers complain about receiving what they described as malformed new post emails (featured image was oversized was the #1 complaint). All I could say was WP was giving their email layouts some attention after all these years and I hoped they did not unsubscribe since there was nothing I could do.


  30. akintolamercygbemisola

    as a new email content writer myself I must say that I agree with you, your email needs to be top notch


  31. esty7053



  32. shopzlade

    This is so informative.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. FelipeRM

    I expected more but the emails look worst on Android clients and Outlook, I think I’ll have to stop using this WP/JetPack feature and start using Buttondown.


  34. John Elphinston

    This is all well and good but some sites do not want more traffic but rather want to post updates to a small group of email followers who are all known to one another. But if they already have a wordpress account they can only be followers and not email followers which is a shame because as followers they can appear with a user name that has no meaning to those of us who manage the site and we don’t know, without going to each of them individually, who they really are. And how do we go to them? – because all we have is a user name, not an email address.


    • KokkieH

      Hi John. Followers with a account can also follow your site by email – if a follower wants to receive updates from your site via email, they can choose to enable that in their Reader settings.

      But we don’t reveal the email address of followers, regardless of whether or not they opt-in to email notifications on your site, both to protect their privacy and for security reasons.

      If you have more questions about this you’re welcome to contact our support team 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

  35. marymhm

    HELLO, I have lost my account. My name is Mary H. Moore. My email is [redacted]. My username is marymhm. I need to find my posts and other things in that account. Thank you. Mary Moore.


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