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Sales on – Frequently Asked Questions

We sometimes send flash sale coupons as promotions for plans and other products. Below you can find answers to common questions related to coupons and promotion codes.

How to Apply Coupons

Q: How do I apply the sale coupon code?
A: On the checkout page, click the “Add a coupon code” link under the “Your order” section and enter the coupon code.

Checkout screen with an arrow pointing to the Add a coupon code option.

Q: Can I use the discount coupon code for multiple sites in my account?
A: Yes, the coupon can be used for multiple sites under one account.

Q: Does the coupon apply a discount to domains, Professional Email, and Google Workspace subscriptions?
A: It depends on the type of campaign we run at the time. Please refer to the information provided in the flash sale email you received.

Using Coupons for Upgrades

Q: I have an upgrade credit on my account. Can I use this along with the discount coupon for plan upgrades?
A: Yes, you can use both the coupon and upgrade credit for plan upgrades. The upgrade credit allows you to use the remaining value of your current plan towards an upgrade to a higher-cost plan. Upgrade credit cannot be applied to any other upgrade. Credit for the remaining time on your existing plan will automatically apply to your upgrade.

Q: Can I use the plans sale discount coupon to renew my existing plan?
A: No, you cannot apply a discount coupon to an existing paid plan. We run plan sale promotions for new purchases only, including purchasing a higher-tier plan. The sale is only valid for the first subscription period. You can’t apply the sale discount to renewing an existing plan.

Q: If I upgrade my site using a discount coupon, does my plan renew at a discounted rate?
A: No, the discount is only for the first subscription period. All subsequent renewals are at the regular rate. Once you upgrade, you can view your renewal charges on your Billing page.

Q: If I upgrade my site using a discount coupon, and then cancel the plan and repurchase it, can I still use the same discount coupon?
A: No — if you have used the discount coupon for a site, it can’t be used for the same site again.

Q: I already have a plan, but now I just received the sale email. Can I get a refund of the plan and repurchase it using the discount coupon?
A: Yes, you can cancel the plan via the your account purchases and get a refund as long as it’s within the refund period.

Q: I have purchased a plan, but I didn’t see the link to add the coupon code or I forgot to add the coupon code. Can I get a refund?
A: We run campaigns for limited amounts of time. We can issue a refund depending on our campaign’s availability. Otherwise, please stay tuned for our upcoming promotions!

Coupon Validity

Q: How long is the coupon code valid for? Can I use it next month?
A: The coupon is valid until a certain date. You can check the expiry date on the sale email that you received.

Q: Are coupon codes case-sensitive?
A: No, coupon codes are not case-sensitive.

Q: The coupon code is not working. Why?
A: Please check that you typed the coupon code correctly and that this coupon is for the product you have selected. Also, check the coupon expiration date in the flash sale email. If the code is correct and it shouldn’t have expired yet, please contact support.

Receive Promotions

Q: Can I sign up to receive email promotions?

A: You can sign up for email promotions. In addition to account and purchase-related notifications, we may occasionally contact you with promotions, discounts, or coupons. You can sign up to receive these promotional notifications from your account notification settings by following these steps:

  1. Open your account by selecting your profile in the upper right-hand corner of your site dashboard.
  2. Select Notification Settings on the lefthand menu.
  3. Select Updates from the notification settings menu.
  4. Ensure the checkmark under Promotions is selected.

Q: Does offer discounts for non-profits?

A: does not have any special discounts for non-profit or charity organizations. However, we recommend that you explore the incredible value of our plans and see which one best suits your needs and budget.

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