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Merge Two Accounts

If you have more than one account, you may wish to combine them into one account. This guide explains how to merge your accounts by moving sites and upgrades to the main account you want to continue using.

Your Accounts

For the purpose of this guide, we’ll refer to the account you no longer want to own as the unwanted account. The account you want to continue using will be the main account.

To start, log into the unwanted account and take the following actions:

Step 1: Move Your Sites Out of the Unwanted Account

For any websites owned by the unwanted account, move them to your main account with the following steps:

  1. Visit the site’s dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Settings → General (or Hosting → Settings if using WP Admin).
  3. Scroll down to the “Site tools” section.
  4. Click the “Transfer your site” option.
  5. Enter the email address or username of your main account you wish to transfer the site to and click the “Continue” button.
  6. Read the information presented, then click the “Start transfer” button.
  7. Check your email inbox for the email address belonging to your secondary account, where you’ll need to click a link to authorize the transfer to your main account.
  8. You’ll then receive a confirmation email at the email address belonging to your main account.

If you purchased a plan, domain, email, or other subscription for this site, it will be moved to your main account as well.

Repeat this process for all websites in your unwanted account that you wish to move to your main account. For more details, visit our Transfer a Site to a New Owner guide.

Step 2: Transfer Unattached Domains to the Main Account

You may have domains in your secondary accounts that are not associated with any specific site. You can transfer these domains to your main account using the steps in the Transfer a Domain to Another Account guide.

If you are not sure if you have any unattached domains, visit your Purchases page for the unwanted account. If any domains remain here that did not get moved to your main account during the previous step, you can move them now.

When you transfer domains that are not attached to any site, any email services on those domains will be transferred to the main account too.

Step 3: Change the Email Address of the Unwanted Account

No two accounts can use the same email address. If the email address associated with your unwanted account is the email you actually wish to use for your main account, you can free up the email address to use with whichever account you need.

Visit the account settings of the unwanted account and change the email address there to any other address you own (but don’t want to use for your main account).

This will release the email address for you to use with your main account. You can then log into your main account and change its email address to the address you just freed up.

Visit our Change Your Email Address guide for more.


To prevent impersonation, usernames can never be reused on While you can change the username of your unwanted account, the username will not be released to use with your main account.

However, if you have a name you wish to use with your main account, you can update your Public Display Name which can be whatever you would like. The username will still be what you use to log in, but the username won’t be seen publicly — your public display name will be seen instead.

Step 4: Unsubscribe the Unwanted Account from Sites

From the unwanted account’s dashboard, visit Manage Blogs. Hover your mouse over any blogs listed on the page and click the “Leave Blog” link. You will perform this action for all blogs and sites listed on the Manage Blogs page.

Step 5: Close the Unwanted Account

After completing the above steps to move everything from your unwanted account, you may proceed to delete the unwanted account.

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