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Create a Separate Page for Blog Posts

When you activate a theme, your site may already display your blog posts on the homepage or another page. However, you may prefer to build a new blog page from scratch. This guide will show you how.

Method 1: Use a Ready-Made Layout

The quickest method to create your own blog page is to choose from one of our beautiful and professionally-designed pre-made templates. These pre-made templates are designed to automatically display the blog posts you publish. You can follow these steps:

  1. Visit your dashboard.
  2. Go to Pages → Add New to create a new page.
  3. Browse the selection of pre-defined page layouts in the Blog category.
  4. Click the layout you want to apply to your page. The layout you choose will automatically populate with any blog posts you have already published on your site.
  5. Make any desired changes to the layout (learn how to use the WordPress editor here!)
  6. Click Publish to make your changes live on the site.
  7. Add your new blog page to your site’s menu.

Now, any time you publish a new blog post, it will auutomatically appear on the blog page you created.

Choose from many different layouts for a blog page

Method 2: Use the Blog Posts Block

If you don’t wish to use one of the pre-made layouts as described in the previous section, you can start with a blank page and display your posts on it using the Blog Posts block. Here’s how:

  1. Visit your dashboard.
  2. Go to Pages → Add New to create a new page.
  3. Click Blank page to start with a fresh page with no content.
  4. Add the Blog Posts block to display your posts on the page. Adjust the block’s settings as desired:
    • Choose from a list or grid layout.
    • Choose to include or exclude images, excerpts, dates, and more information.
    • Display posts with specific categories, tags, or authors.
  5. Add any other content, like text and images, to your page (learn how to use the WordPress editor here!)
  6. Click Publish to make your changes live on the site.
  7. Add your new blog page to your site’s menu.
A Blog Posts block added to the Editor, displaying a list of recent blog posts.
The Blog Posts block displays your posts on a page with many options to control the posts’ appearance

Method 3: Create a Custom Layout

Using the WordPress editor, you can create the exact layout you want for your Blog page. Here, we’ll show you how to create a custom layout like this:

an example custom Blog page that shows a posts carousel, recent blog posts, and sidebar links to subscribe, latest posts, and post categories.

You don’t have to use this exact layout for your blog. However, this example may help you get comfortable with the different options to think about when designing your blog page.

In the above example, we’ve used a Posts Carousel block for a visually appealing header. In the central area is a Blog Posts block. We’ve used a Columns block to create a sidebar for a Subscribe block, Latest Posts block, and a Categories block.

To create this layout, follow these steps:

  1. Visit your dashboard.
  2. Go to Pages → Add New to create a new page.
  3. Click Blank page to start with a fresh page containing no content.
  4. Add the Posts Carousel block and use the options in the block sidebar to select specific posts to display. Set the Posts Carousel block to full width:
the Posts Carousel block in the Block Editor with highlights on the block width settings in the toolbar and the Display settings in the block sidebar.
  1. Below the Posts Carousel block, add a two-column block and select the option where the second column is narrow:
the Columns block with the highlight around the 70/30 alignment column option.
  1. In the narrow column:
the sidebar created in the columns block showing the Block settings for the Subscribe block.


There are a lot of customization options for each block. Be sure to check them out in the block’s settings and toolbar.

  1. In the wide column, add the Blog Posts block, and select the Grid display option:
the Blog Posts block with a highlight around the Grid option in the Toolbar.
  1. Click Publish to make your changes live on the site.
  2. Add your new blog page to your site’s menu.

Custom Blog Pages | Webinar

Watch our recorded webinar that will guide you through every step of the process of setting up your blog page:

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