The New WordPress Way: Modern and No-Code

WordPress is undergoing a transformation. Of course, WordPress has been transforming itself since its inception in 2003, but the last few years feel different. The WordPress community grew comfortable with the “WordPress way”, but that way has taken some sharp turns lately. Like a rollercoaster tends to evoke fear but also joy, Gutenberg + block themes + full site editing + an emphasis on no-code designing is bringing out similar emotions in the WordPress community. The fear/excitement built up slowly at first, but now it has snowballed into an enormous need for information on this “new WordPress way”. We know you want more information, and we’re here for it. Our library is packed with information. Let’s check it out.

All the New, Modern, No-Code or Low-Code WordPress Site Building Features You Need to Know About

Customizing and Editing Your Site and Theme

A First Look at Using Full Site Editing to Edit Your WordPress Theme

Editing a classic WordPress theme usually involves rolling up your sleeves, using a child theme, and editing code manually. It’s an arduous process that can be challenging for non-developers.

With Full Site Editing integrated into Block Themes, you can now use the WordPress Block Editor to customize specific parts of these themes and their page templates. You can change the design of your site without touching a single line of code.

This article will take a closer look at Full Site Editing in WordPress. We’ll show you how to edit page templates and template parts, and set global styles.

How to Create WordPress Page Templates Using Full Site Editing

When you create WordPress page templates, you can more easily customize your website. Instead of spending a ton of time creating each individual page, you can create a few base designs, and just switch out the content.

WordPress Full Site Editing makes it easy to design page templates without much technical expertise. Using the Site Editor, you can customize new templates and even build template parts without touching any code. This way, you can modify your site to meet your specific needs.

In this post, we’ll explain what page templates are and how they can benefit your WordPress website. Then, we’ll show you how to create them using Full Site Editing.

How to Customize WordPress Themes (No Code Needed)

When you start a WordPress site, you get access to thousands of beautiful, professionally-designed themes. However, you may still want to put your own spin on these designs.

Fortunately, it is possible to customize a WordPress theme without having to write a single line of code. Even if you have no previous web design or development experience, there are plugins and built-in tools that enable you to personalize your chosen theme.

In this post, we’ll discuss why you may want to tweak your site’s design. We’ll then share three ways to customize your WordPress theme – all without coding skills.

How to Edit the Header on Your WordPress Website

WordPress is one of the most flexible Content Management Systems (CMS) on the market. As a WordPress beginner, it may be tempting to stick with the basic design your theme provides. However, if you do that you’ll miss out on the opportunity to customize important elements such as your header. 

The header is more than just a place for your logo and main menu. WordPress offers several ways to increase its functionality. You can add tracking codes, insert a search bar, include a login option, and more.

In this post, we’ll look at why you might want to edit the header of your WordPress website. We’ll then show you three ways to do it.

WordPress Editors: Site Editor, Template Editor, and Page Editor Explained

If you’re like me, you might’ve been confused by the Site Editor, Template Editor, and Page Editor the first time you encountered them in WordPress.

While their names sound a bit similar, they each have a unique purpose, and understanding them is the key to unlocking the potential of your WordPress website.

If you’re confused by their differences, what they can do, and when to use them, this blog post will explain everything you need to know.

How to Edit the Header on Your WordPress Website

Do you ever get confused about WordPress themes and templates or wonder how they differ?

WordPress is ideal for creating websites that look exactly how you want. But if you’re not entirely sure what themes and templates are or how to use them effectively, you might not have as much control over the presentation of your site and its content as you could.

But don’t worry; this post will get you up to speed.

By the time you’ve finished, you’ll know how to build a WordPress website, find a theme, and create your own custom templates and post types.

Blocks and Block Themes

The Block Editor and the Future of WordPress Themes

WordPress themes have always helped users quickly create well-designed websites for themselves and clients. The block editor continues that work by enhancing themes, and giving users more design tools in order to personalize and customize their websites.

By empowering users to take whatever your theme is and really tailor it to what you want to communicate on your site, the block editor gives you the opportunity to make your theme, and your website, truly your own.

No-Code WordPress Post Grid Layout Methods

Searching for a solution to display your WordPress posts in a grid layout?

You’ve found your way to the right spot because we’re going to show you several different code-free ways to create a grid of your posts using either built-in features or free WordPress plugins.

If your theme doesn’t include a built-in grid layout (which many don’t), these methods will help you get up and running. And even if your theme does come with a grid layout, you’ll still probably prefer these methods because they’ll give you a lot more flexibility.

And again – all of this is 100% code-free. So you do not need any special knowledge to set up your grid layout.

How to Use the WordPress File Block to Add Downloadable Content to Your Blog Posts

The WordPress file block is a versatile tool that allows you to offer downloadable files to your website visitors.

In this post, we’ll explore what the WordPress file block is, discuss some of the benefits of offering downloadable files, and examine some use cases for the WordPress file block. Then we’ll provide you with step-by-step instructions so that you can easily add downloads to your WordPress website.

How to Create and Submit Your Own Pattern to the Block Pattern Directory

The WordPress block pattern directory is now open for submissions from the public. If you’d love to contribute to WordPress, submitting a pattern to the directory is a fun and creative way to give back.

The Pattern Directory’s header now provides a new link, “Create a new pattern”. Clicking that link opens an editor that works just like the WordPress block editor you’re already familiar with.

This new tool enables everyone to contribute new patterns to the pattern directory.

12+ Uses for WordPress Block Theme Templates and Template Parts

The WordPress community has been buzzing in anticipation of the release of WordPress 6.1, throwing around words and acronyms like blocks, site editing, templates, template parts, and more. Much of the excitement centers around the fact that users – who aren’t coders – will be able to create their own designs and page layouts in brand new ways. Now sure, there is a little learning curve ahead, but it’s not very steep. With a bit of guidance and a block theme, anyone can take control of their entire WordPress website design experience. 

This guide focuses on block theme templates and template parts, including what they are and how you can use them to customize your website in many unique ways.

The Beginner’s Guide to No-Code WordPress Themes

What if you could create your own theme and tailor it to exactly what you need? Alas, I hear you say, I am not a web developer! I don’t know how to code, how would I ever make something like that?

To that I say, fear not! As it turns out, you can absolutely learn how to create a WordPress theme without any coding skills. Thanks to the Create Block Theme plugin and the WordPress Site Editor, anyone can do it and in this post we will show you how. Step by step you will learn how to go from blank canvas to readymade block theme that you can export and use on any WordPress site.

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Donna Cavalier

Living the cavalier life. I'm a writer, editor, and WordPress enthusiast at work, and a mom to 3 Chiweenies at home.

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