How to Make Your Online Business Idea a Reality

Thanks to the internet, doing what you love for a living has never been more within reach. Even if your chosen career involves responsibilities that can’t be completed digitally (like a car mechanic or pet care provider), there are still ways to promote in-person services with a strong online presence.

To get your online business idea off the ground, attract a following, and get paid for doing what you love, consider the following.

Shape your online business idea

As with a traditional business, begin with a plan. It doesn’t need to be long or formal, but putting pen to paper can give you a clearer idea of what you want your business to look like, who you want it to serve, and how you’ll monetize it.

Next, you’ll use that plugin-enabled plan to shape your online presence. Naturally, a business website will vary based on the industry you’re in. Whatever field you operate within, you can find the appropriate look and feel for your website through the Theme Showcase.

Do your research

Talk to professionals in your industry, mentors, and friends about how they got started with online businesses, and any pain points they might have experienced.

Also, research your direct competitors. If you’re a car mechanic, scope out the websites of other local mechanics to gauge how their sites are organized, what content they feature, and the services they offer. You might discover that they share 60-second videos about fixing common car issues, and that doing something similar on your site can be a good way to generate leads and improve your search engine optimization (SEO).

Focus on branding

How will you share what your business does in a way that is truly unique?

Potential clients and customers have no shortage of choices when it comes to online solutions. That’s why it’s imperative to put your best foot forward to ensure that visitors receive great first impressions when visiting your business website.

First, choose a name that’s both memorable and effectively conveys what you do. Forbes curated a list of factors to consider when naming your business. Post photographs of your products, or hire a designer to create a logo.

Provide valuable content

Consider featuring content on your website. A blog can provide a platform to demonstrate your expertise. According to Search Engine Journal, blogs afford multiple opportunities to improve SEO.

Whether it’s through blog posts or 60-second videos, create a content calendar full of ideas that will engage your target audience. Consider any inconveniences that your potential customers face, and brainstorm ways to addresses them. Then, use your content to establish relationships with your audience members so that your brand comes to mind when they’re in need of products or services like your own.

Decide on an online business model

If you’re a business coach, consider using your website to host virtual one-on-one sessions with your clients. If you’re a marketing consultant, consider launching a digital curriculum that teaches clients how to build their brands’ social presences, or measure key performance indicators.

Whatever online business idea you commit to, be sure to use lead generation tools like contact forms and newsletters. You can even create a subscription-based service to ensure your clients’ success and curate revenue in the long run.

There are endless business models that can generate cash flow for your business. Pick the one that best aligns with your offerings to translate what you do into something that’s profitable and sustainable.

Invest in yourself

Nowadays, starting a business is more lucrative than ever before. So, if you’re hesitant to take the leap into entrepreneurship, begin online and turn your expertise into a thriving business.


Satta Sarmah Hightower

Satta Sarmah is a writer, editor and content marketing manager who launched her first personal website a decade ago — on WordPress, of course.

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