How to Create an Infographic in 5 Easy Steps

Creating eye-catching visual content is essential for connecting with your audience and keeping them engaged. Infographics (consumable graphical representations of concepts and data) are one of the best ways to simplify complex ideas and share useful information.

Unfortunately, constructing custom infographics from scratch requires a significant amount of time and graphic design expertise. If you don’t know how to create an infographic, you could hire a skilled designer — but that can quickly add up.

Luckily, there’s another way. Here’s how to create an infographic in just five steps.

1. Determine your goals

Before you go any further, you need to first figure out what you want to achieve. Start by identifying a relevant challenge or pain point that your audience is experiencing and use that to guide your effort.

For example, if you’re a real estate agent, you might create an infographic to help first-time buyers understand the steps to closing on a home. If you run a skincare line, you could develop an infographic that tells users how to prevent sun damage.

2. Collect information and data

Now it’s time to do your research and source statistics, insights, and other useful information that will help you tell your story and make critical points. Be sure to only choose data from reliable, credible sources such as:

You may also have a favorite industry-specific source. Just be sure the information is timely and accurate, or it could reflect poorly on your brand.

3. Choose an infographic tool

After collecting your data, determine which types of charts or graphs will best represent each point.

One of the first questions creators have when learning how to create an infographic without a graphic designer is how they can make sure the infographic looks professional. The good news is there are several tools you can use to quickly and easily create infographics for your site. Here are three of the most popular:

  • Canva: This user-friendly drag-and-drop tool allows you to create high-quality designs using their image, font, and graphic libraries.

  • Venngage: This website helps you develop polished and enticing infographics using existing, aesthetically pleasing templates.

  • Piktochart: With this app, you can create stylish infographics and other visuals using themed templates.

4. Layout your design using a template

There are several ways to layout a design but the best way to start is by organizing your information on a grid. This will help you ensure your design is balanced and flows naturally.

Depending on the tool you use, you may be able to select from pre-existing templates then adjust elements as needed in order to communicate your story in the best way possible.

5. Add finishing touches

You can then customize your infographic further by changing fonts, images, icons, infographic sizes, and more. You can also add in your logo and colors to make sure your content piece reflects your brand identity.

Infographics are a unique way to share a significant amount of information without overwhelming your audience. When they’re designed well, they can engage visitors while also conveying a crucial message. By using these tips and tools, you can create your own professional-looking infographic without a lot of time and expense.


Carrie Dagenhard

Carrie is an old school, gumshoe journalist trapped in a modern content marketer's body. She specializes in writing for the marketing, technology and healthcare industries, and loves helping bloggers and small business owners grow their presence online. Carrie resides in the "Silicon Hills" of Austin, TX with her husband and two adorable cats.

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