I need help with my website!

  • Hello! I am so new to all this and I started a template and have been adjusting it. Two days ago I last saved my website, now I pulled it up and everything is off: my words aren’t aligned and look like they’re on top of each other, the background color is different. I have restarted the computer, used different browsers, logged in and out, looked up clear caching, but I have the basic plan that I cannot add plugins. I need all the detailed help that I can.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    It looks like your line spacing settings are set to .5, while setting them to 1 will cause these lines to no longer overlap.

    To do this, go from your WordPress.com Dashboard to Appearance ⇢ Editor, then click on Styles, then the pencil icon to edit your site’s global styles. Then click the Typography option, then Text, then change the Line Height section, seen below, from .5 to 1.

    Let us know if this works or if there’s anything else we can help with.

  • Thank you, that worked! I have another question. Is there a way to embed google reviews into my web page without upgrading my plan?

  • I checked into this and it appears that Google Reviews requires a plugin or an embed using javascript code. These are features of other hosting plans here on WordPress.com.

    Something else you can try is using the built-in Testimonials described in this guide: https://wordpress.com/support/testimonials/

  • Thank you! I have one last question before I publish. How do I add SEO keywords?

  • You can add keywords within the title and content in your posts, you can learn more here. If you are looking to add meta titles and tags then these are features of the Creator plan. The Creator plan gives you advanced SEO tools or you can use any good SEO Plugin like Yoast SEO for advanced SEO features.

  • Thank you so much! I thought I had one last question, but this is truly the last. Under my “menu” block, how do I get all the text and images aligned? I just cannot seem to get it quite right.

  • Under my “menu” block, how do I get all the text and images aligned? I just cannot seem to get it quite right.

    For a higher level of control over the section layout, I recommend you use several Stack blocks inside a Row block, instead of the Column blocks. You can then play with the settings of each of those blocks until you reach the desired layout.

    You can find more information about these blocks and their settings here: https://wordpress.com/support/wordpress-editor/blocks/row-stack-block/

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