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  1. Hello fellow bloggers!

    This week, it’s been a week of creamy recipes. A creamy mushroom risotto ( ), a creamy sweet potato curry and raspberry cheesecakes.

    I’ve been whipping up some vegan millionaire’s shortbread and some sweet potato gnocchi so stay tuned for those in the next couple of weeks too.

    Happy Monday – hope you have a delicious week 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Your posts are interesting! Not sure if it was my computer or the website, but the “Komuba’s Thoughts” on the menu bar link didn’t work.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Happy Monday, swimmers!

    I’ve been writing some book reviews and handwritten notes that I’d love for y’all to check out. The more I blog, the more I find myself focusing on mental health, books, and connecting with other bloggers.

    Best wishes.


    Book Review: Depression & Other Magic Tricks by Sabrina Benaim

    Note: To AfroIrish

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Hi all! I’ve recently started a kind of humorous take on my ongoing journey with secondary infertility. With it being quite a niche genre I haven’t got much of a following yet so would appreciate any feedback or even just anyone to have a read. I’d also love to find some more blogs to follow myself. Thank you in advance!

    Latest post:

    Liked by 5 people

      1. When you have found a Blog that you like, similar to yours, when you have read the Blog did you notice at the end of the Blog at the bottom of that page WordPress usually recommends 2 other Blogs with similar topics? I have found some interesting Blogs with topics I am searching for that way too. Good Luck!

        Liked by 3 people

    1. Your Guilty TV post is really good! I haven’t seen all the shows on your list but I definitely know the feeling. My only suggestion for it would be that you elaborate a little more and explain why these shows are so fun or why they help you relax and turn off your brain for a little while.

      Liked by 3 people

  4. Hello new bloggers. Here’s a few tips to get you on your way:

    1. Find a niche – once you have a specialism, you can build your entire blogging persona around it, and you can be the person that pops up on someone else’s newsfeed and they go.. “woooo! Let’s learn about comics, or caving, or surrealism”

    2. Use featured images and titles well – an eye catching image can get you views, end of. A title is the same, though much stronger if it is combined with a strong image. Think of it as brand advertising for your writing.

    3. Tag articles appropriately and avoid vague terms like ‘writing’ or ‘art’ as this means you will become lost in a sea of tags by thousands of other users. Use specific tags so that you can be sought out easily by people interested in your blog topic.

    There’s a lot more obviously but those are just a few key ones to start you off.

    Also, while you’re here, why not give my blog a visit?! Much love x

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Hey Sonderwriter, your blog is great. My favorite entry so far is Half Empty it made me think about some past breakups that I’ve dealt with. Only thing is, it took me a few minutes to realize that I hit to click the picture in order to keep reading the post. Maybe make it a bit easier for the readers to know how to keep reading, just a suggestion. Great blog though !


      Liked by 2 people

  5. Hi! I’m back with more photos and short stories. If you want to do a collab, please contact me at my blog. This is the link to my home page.
    I like to think my style of writing is whimsical and flowing. Feedback is appreciated, and if you have any tips I would love to hear them. Thank you. 😊
    Writing, photography, and a little slice of life. Welcome to Written in the ink blog.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Hello everyone,

    This week, I wanted to share with you my thoughts about the Islamic law, or Shari’ah. Unlike what some Muslims and non-Muslims alike think, Shari’ah promotes simplicity, not hardship. This is a short quick post signifying this through verses from the Qur’an and authentic prophetic traditions.

    Promoting Simplicity

    Your feedback is always appreciated,

    Thanks and best regards.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Hello all!

    My SO and I have a blog for our writing. We started that earlier this year, but just now fixed the WordPress app on our phones.

    Thing is, I’m having trouble with it. On the app, all our posts only show an excerpt of the post and then it links to the blog site itself. There’s only an option to like the posts, but not comment on it. I’m having big trouble fixing it, and Google doesn’t show me. Can anyone help?

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Hi everyone! I have a pop culture blog and wrote a post about Stranger Things, and would greatly appreciate some feedback:

    Nancy’s Choice: An Underappreciated Thing From Stranger Things’ First Season

    My first concern is: do I get off-track by providing The Big Bang Theory as a counterpoint? (As far as that show is concerned, I can get a little carried away.) My other major concern: does this maybe come off in any way as misogynistic? I did my best to respectfully consider how the depiction of men and women in these two shows is different, but I would greatly appreciate a female perspective.

    If you’d like me to take a look at your blog and give some feedback, just let me know! 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

      1. I know, but it is hard to give a content review when I don’t watch the shows. I tried reading it, but I was lost… I KNOW there are Bloggers out there that can offer some great advice to you. For example, visit “dbmoviesblog,” she (I think it is a she) focuses on movies, etc. If you view her site, I am sure she would offer advice to you for yours.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi; peeps. I write about numerology and ‘subliminalism’ a lot, I find it’s very difficult because most people hate numbers so any would be reader be warned, it’s a bit techy. In this latest post I explore a possible motive for the Las Vegas shooter. It’s been reported that mass murder Stephen Paddock was a professional gambler so it’s highly likely that he used numerology and gematria in formulating a motive. Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Hi! Yes, that was quite a big “culture shock” to have in my own country. I have a draft written but yet to publish (along with like 10 other drafts). Now I am motivated though! Thank you 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

    1. While none of the books listed are my kind of books, i can quickly see that your post was pretty much perfect in terms of book review.
      I read the comments and saw that most of them are wattpad books. Maybe you can approach authors of the books, tell them what you thought of the book.

      This way you can create a cycle, they will keep writing because their books are loved and you get to keep reading. Also it will help you read more as there will be an incentive

      Liked by 2 people

    1. You did a wonderful job on your site design. The book you reviewed sounds like a good one. I’d like to make a suggestion that you use “half” of the photos you used. This way it would be “easier” to read the text. You see after a while I was only looking at the photos and started getting confused, because it looks like the photos are not from the book, but from other books or movies, yes? Is this book going to have a series? Thanks for sharing.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I couldn’t exactly read the post because they were so many images. It breaks my concentration.

      Now considering there were so many other books/movies with a similar structure I can see why there were other images. You can upload multiple images in a gallery so that it will occupy only one space.

      Or you could add a footer which says similar works: “XYZ” or so on

      Good luck! Keep writing

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I just read your post, I’d like to make a recommendation. FIRST OFF, I like the design of your post, it’s clean/modern looking. With your Part 2 post, I think it would be good if you could ADD the link to the anime you wanted us to see from Part 1.

      If I don’t have a lot of time to go and read Part 1, I would get the anime link in Part 2 and be able to “immediately” LIKE or COMMENT on the anime. Sounds like you highly recommend it, but I didn’t have time to go and read Part 1. 😦 Look forward to seeing the link. Thanks,

      Liked by 3 people

    2. I love the blog font. Which is it?

      Also, you can improve the blog in a lot of ways. Embed videos, talk about favorite animes one piece in a time. You should use the name of the anime in your title so that it becomes more SEO friendly.

      For tips and tricks you should follow wordpress news blog. They are great for wordpress info

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Hello! I am still somewhat new to blogging and having a hard time reaching out to others, I guess. I talk about everything and some that people may not want to talk about. Along with multiple chronic illnesses. I just want to be able to reach out to others that may struggle with certain things. I always like helping others and just talking to them. Hope you take a look and feel free to reach out! Thank you!!

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Writing is one part of reaching out. The other and bigger part is to find others. You will not be the only one on the whole internet who is going through something and at the same time won’t be the only one who uses blogs to express yourself.

      You wanna reach out, do it that way. Give a hand ( virtually )to anyone who is going through something terrible. In time, you will have enough traffic on your site too.

      Btw I like how minimal your blog is. Simple landing page for your latest post ( tattoos )

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I have definitely found others that are in a similar situation as I am and it’s nice to have that and not feel alone like I do with people IN my life. I have reached out to others when I have read their blogs to let them know they arent alone. I feel some may feel that way but definitely not it at all.
        Thank you for your input, I really appreciate it. I’m still learning and makes it a little difficult to do this all on my phone sometimes, but I manage. 😊

        Liked by 2 people

  11. Hello everyone. I create and produce videos which I share on my site. I created a new video called “Alan Watts- Unmasking the Ego”. All the original footage was attend in Tucson, Arizona with audio by Alan Watts (a philosopher from the 20th century). I have yet to receive any feedback! I would greatly appreciate any and everyone to visit my page and watch this short 3 minute video. All the best and namaste.

    Liked by 6 people

  12. Hi guys!!! I hope you’re all enjoying your Monday so far (depending on where you reside of course)! A bit late buy I’d love for you all to check out one of my posts ~ The Hard Truth About Being An INFJ which I wrote a few weeks back and what I would really like is your feedback on my writing. Did you enjoy the post? Did you like the writing style? Would you read other posts of mine or following from what you’ve seen? All feedback is welcome.

    Peace and Love always!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. You had a good post. The Myers-Brigg test is a good one. I’d like to make a suggestion. If you want people to “find” your post, when they do a search they will not find it by the INFJ initials. I would change your title to something that would be more “searchable.” Go look at WordPress’s most searched words for ideas. Also, I don’t think you used any TAGS, you might want to add those as well, so people can find your post.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey there!!! Thank you for your feedback and suggestions on my post, I really enjoyed writing about the MBTI. Can you tell me how to look up WordPress’ most searched words? Is there a specific tool for this? This will definitely help and something I never would of thought of. I added a few tags at the end but I’ll keep this in mind for future posts however someone pointed out that my comments are closed and I don’t know how to fix this. Any advice? Thank you once more for taking the time out to read my post.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. I liked the post and thank you for the reminder to be my self! 🙂 I would have commented but they are turned off? 😦

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi 👋! Thank you so much for commenting on my post and I’m glad it had the desired effect, to remind us all to live in our truth! I never noticed the comments were turned off 😮, for some reason it seems that they are turned off on several posts but I never set this myself (commenting is very welcome). Any chance you may be able to tell me how to turn them all back on? Thank you again!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. And I know this to be so true because of the numerous times I have not taken the time to step back and evaluate. With relationships especially, A motto I try to live by is that i win every argument that i do not get into.

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