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Migrate a Website to Using Migrate Guru

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For a short time, we’re offering migrations from your existing WordPress site to for free! Sign up for a new Creator or Entrepreneur plan and our expert Happiness Engineers will handle the migration for you.

If you wish to import an entire WordPress site, including plugins, themes, and users, the Migrate Guru plugin can help you achieve that. Follow the steps in this guide to import an exact copy of your website to


To follow the steps in this guide, you will need:


By migrating a site using this method, the entire contents of the site will be erased and replaced with the site that you import.

Step 1: Install the Migrate Guru Plugin

In this first step, you will install the Migrate Guru plugin on your site and generate a key that you’ll use to begin the migration in the next step. Follow these instructions to install the plugin and generate the key:

  1. Log into
  2. Visit the destination site’s dashboard.
  3. Navigate to Plugins → Add New Plugin.
  4. Search for “Migrate Guru” and locate the Migrate Guru plugin in the results.
  5. Install and activate the plugin on your site.
  6. Once the plugin is active, click the new “Migrate Guru” menu option at the bottom of your dashboard:
Migrate Guru shown in the WP-Admin dashboard options, under Settings.
  1. At the bottom of the Migrate Guru settings screen, click the “Copy Key” button to copy the migration key for your site:
Migration Key, with the "Copy Key" button shown.

Step 2: Migrate The Source Site

In this step, you will install the same Migrate Guru plugin on your source site (also known as your self-hosted or site). You will use the key you copied in Step 1 to begin the migration.

Follow these steps to install Migrate Guru on the source site and begin the migration:

  1. Log into the source site.
  2. Install and activate the Migrate Guru plugin.
  3. In your source site’s WP-Admin dashboard, click “Migrate Guru” to visit the plugin’s settings page.
  4. Add an email address and check the box to agree to the terms.
  5. Click the “Migrate” button.
  6. Select from the hosting options.
  7. Enter the migration key you copied earlier into the “Migrate Guru Migration Key” field.
    •  If you use files or data other than the standard WordPress structures, you can include them in the migration by clicking the + buttons in the “Add Folders” or “Add Tables” sections.
  8. Click on the button labeled “Migrate” to start migration.
  1. Wait for the migration to complete. This can take a while, even on small sites.
Progress bars of a migration. It displays the total Files, Tables, overall progress, and the "Cancel Migration" button.
Migration progress with Migrate Guru

Step 3: Review Your Destination Site

Once the migration finishes, review your new site. Ensure you can access tools and plugins in your dashboard and that your new site has the features and functionality you need from the source site.

If any WordPress core files (such as wp-config.php and functions.php) on the source site were modified, those changes wouldn’t be migrated to the destination site. The migrated site on will have the most recent version of WordPress core.

If anything isn’t working as expected, please send us a message to let us know that you have just completed a migration using the Migrate Guru plugin. We will look over your site to make sure the migration went smoothly.

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