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Get Help With CSS

On eligible plans, you can alter your site’s design with CSS code. If you need assistance making CSS changes to your website, this guide will explain where you can find support.

This feature is available on sites with our Explorer, Creator, and Entrepreneur plans, and the legacy Pro plan. For sites on the free and Starter plans, upgrade your plan to access this feature.

Look for Alternatives to CSS

For those experienced with writing computer code, CSS can be a useful way to customize a theme. However, WordPress allows you to create a website without knowing any code, so knowledge of CSS is not needed to design a beautiful and professional site.

Block themes on provide the most flexible options to customize any aspect of your website’s design, thanks to the Styles feature. If your site uses one of these themes, it’s unlikely you will need to add custom CSS since you can fine-tune the display of each element in the block settings.

If you’re not sure if a change you’d like to make is possible without CSS, get in touch with our Happiness Engineers — we know the WordPress editor inside out and are happy to advise you on the best approach to take.

CSS is most commonly used to make design changes to classic WordPress themes, which have more limited customization options compared to block themes. If the changes you wish to make would require a lot of custom CSS that is beyond your ability to write, consider changing themes now to make the process of updating your site’s design easier in the long term.

CSS Help

On eligible plans, you can add CSS to your site. does not offer direct support for writing or editing CSS. You can visit About CSS to learn more about writing CSS, or you may wish to consider hiring a developer or designer. We recommend the WordPress experts available at the freelancer network called Codeable.

If you contact us and request a change to your site that would require CSS, we may recommend:

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