What Is a Shortcode?

What is a shortcode? A shortcode is a quick, streamlined way to add functionality and media to your content without resorting to filling up an entire page with HTML. If you’re still a bit unsure about what a shortcode is, think of it as an easy shortcut to do things like embedding a YouTube video or a Twitter timeline on your site.

What is a shortcode used for?

Shortcodes are a great way to feature content such as video and audio on your site. The formatting, spacing, and control buttons are all pre-styled for you, so there’s nothing more to do except curate the best content for your site.

Another common use is the portfolio shortcode, which is incorporated into many design and photography sites and displays your work in a compelling visual format.

Shortcodes are excellent for pulling in dynamic content and keeping your posts and pages fresh by using feeds, such as the RSS Feed shortcode.

Find the right shortcode for your needs

There’s a full list of shortcodes that WordPress.com supports and instructions for using them on the Support site. They are broadly grouped into Audio, Video, Images & Documents, and Miscellaneous; try out a few to find your favorites. And with the introduction of the Shortcode block, incorporating them into your content has never been smoother.

Additional shortcodes

Some themes use other shortcodes for layout features such as columns and special galleries.

If you want to use a custom shortcode, there are a number of plugins which can help, such as the Shortcode API.

Think differently about how you post

Shortcodes allow you to think differently about how you post content to your WordPress.com site. Your posts and pages can become dynamic, living things full of interactive videos, podcasts, RSS feeds, and even content created by other people. This means that others can passively contribute to your website — all you need is a link.

4 Tips for getting started with WordPress shortcodes

  1. Bookmark this list of WordPress shortcodes so that you know exactly what features you can implement on your website.
  2. Avoid shortcodes that are theme-specific. Some WordPress.com themes provide great shortcodes, but what happens if you decide to change your theme? It’s best to stick with the shortcodes that are universal to all WordPress.com sites.
  3. Add shortcodes to your widgetized areas to keep certain features accessible on every page of your website. Shortcodes like archivestwitter-timeline ,  or kickstarter are great ones to experiment with.
  4. Master shortcodes by embedding one in the next five blog posts you write. If nothing else, use the shortcode to embed a YouTube video relevant to your blog post content.

Build out your website with WordPress shortcodes

WordPress shortcodes are one of the best ways to present visitors with a more function-filled and professional-looking website without having to pay a web developer to do it for you. If you’re a WordPress.com plugin-enabled plan user, you can make running a website even easier on yourself by implementing a few essential plugins.

Get started today

So, what is a shortcode? Shortcodes make it easier than ever to generate content on your WordPress.com site, so get started today and build dynamic content with just a pair of square brackets.


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