Use a Comments Plugin to Encourage Engagement

Community is at the heart of blogging, and a comments plugin can help facilitate both efforts.

By default, your blog comes equipped with a commenting system that lets readers ask questions, leave feedback, and engage with others.

While this is a fantastic option for many site owners, those with plugin-enabled plans can further enhance their capabilities by installing a third-party comments plugin.

To help wade through the options, here’s a list of the leading commenting solutions and what they’re best suited for.’s built-in comments feature

The quickest way to encourage discussions surrounding your content is by using the commenting system that comes with your site. Although it’s the default option, it includes threaded comments, email subscriptions, and Comment Likes features, which provide many of the capabilities that readers expect.

The built-in commenting system requires no additional setup and is the best option if you want to get started quickly.


Jetpack Essentials comes with every plan. However, for self-hosted website owners, even the free version of the Jetpack plugin offers commenting functionalities like social logins, color choices, and Gravatar support.

Additionally, Jetpack upgrades your entire website by providing more than 100 free themes, spam protection, and a content delivery network. Make sure to install Jetpack if you want an all-in-one site enhancement solution.


The Disqus comments plugin lets readers format their text or comments using their preferred social media accounts. It also offers strong spam protection, stats, and rich media embeds to liven up conversations.

While Disqus is a free service, it may add advertisements to your site. This option is best if you want an enhanced comments section and don’t mind the ads that come with it.


The wpDiscuz plugin is customizable, allowing you to personalize your comment section’s buttons, colors, and fields. Its “lazy load” feature also speeds up your site by only displaying comments when they appear on-screen.

It also offers paid features like a comments search tool. Choose wpDiscuz if you want to customize your comment section’s appearance, speed up your site, or want the option to expand your capabilities later.

Super Socializer

Super Socializer is a powerful, free social commenting tool that lets readers share your content across dozens of social networks. It’s also compatible with BuddyPress, bbPress, and WooCommerce.

Super Socializer screenshot

Choose Super Socializer if you want to maximize your blog’s sharing potential.

Every comments plugin has its strengths and weaknesses, so choosing the right one for your blog means knowing what features matter most to you. Use the information above to guide your decision and boost your engagement rates.


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