WordPress Tutorials | Take a Fiverr Course and Do More

Getting started with WordPress.com and have some questions? Want to get the most out of your website? There’s a course for that.

You can create anything with WordPress. It’s one of the most popular and versatile website builders, and WordPress.com makes it accessible to everyone.

Still, many people have questions about how to get started, make their website look like the one in their head, and attract visitors. That’s why we partnered with Fiverr to put together a comprehensive video course with step-by-step guidance on launching a website with WordPress.com.

There are plenty of people publishing WordPress tutorials, but digging through search results and YouTube to find a reliable, up-to-date resource takes time.

Fiverr’s course, Build a Professional Website with WordPress.com, features trustworthy expertise. Happiness Engineers  — that’s what we call our support specialists — designed the course. And it is hosted by Marjorie Asturias, who’s been helping people build websites on WordPress.com for more than five years. Before that Marjorie was a freelancer who showed small businesses how to improve their web presence.

Marjorie knows her stuff, she knows small business marketing, and she’s ready to walk you through building a great business website.

Here’s what you’ll find in the WordPress.com Fiverr course:

What to do before you build

The age-old advice, “look before you leap,” applies to website building, too. All the available tools and technology make it fairly easy for anyone to put up a website, but website owners with a plan are far more likely to succeed. In “Building a Foundation,” Marjorie lays out the steps you should take ahead of creating a site or blog. 

If you have a Fiverr account, you’ll get free access to a video in which Marjorie describes how to define goals for your website. The rest of the chapter includes videos about coming up with a content strategy that resonates with your audience, understanding SEO so you get found on search engines, and wireframing to define your website design direction.

This prep work will become the blueprint for your website and give you clear direction as you get started.

Building your WordPress.com website

Next, it’s time to take those plans and bring your website to life. Marjorie walks first-time WordPress.com users through the process of creating an account. You can also choose a WordPress domain name if you pick a plan that includes this valuable asset.

Then, she’ll explain how to add your pre-written content to the site. Some of that content will be for permanent pages, like your About page and Contact page, and some will be for posts on your site’s blog. That’s where you’ll publish valuable, fresh content for your target audience.

Marjorie also shows you how to use the WordPress.com Media Library, which is where you’ll upload and store all the graphics, photos, PDFs, and more you want to use your website. And you’ll learn to add image galleries and contact forms with the WordPress block editor

Designing your WordPress.com website

Websites are a form of self-expression and a powerful branding tool for businesses. While WordPress themes provide an excellent starting point, they’re also flexible enough to make a site that’s original — not cookie cutter.

Marjorie gives us an in-depth look at how to put the finishing touches on a new WordPress.com website: identifying a theme that meets your needs, customizing it for your brand, and adding widgets to improve the visitor experience.

Widgets are little add-ons that give your site more functionality or display additional information. You could have a search widget to help people to find content on your site, a widget for collecting payments, a widget that displays your latest Tweets, and even a widget to help your business comply with regulations like GDPR. Check out the more commonly-used WordPress.com widgets.)

Marjorie will also show you how to customize your WordPress theme settings. This is an area where new users sometimes have challenges, but Marjorie’s step-by-step video instructions will have you navigating your settings like a pro.

Watch the video on customizing your theme below!

Post-launch success

You planned, you designed, you built. Then you launched! When can you expect the traffic and new business to start pouring in? Not so fast!

Publishing a new website is a big step, but there’s still work to do. WordPress.com is a partner that provides you with the tools you need to grow an audience and your business. As she wraps up the Fiverr course, Marjorie teaches you to use digital marketing tactics and WordPress.com features to get noticed online. From social media sharing to advanced SEO tools, you’ll learn how to attract the right people and turn them into customers using your new site.

Website security is another major concern for small business owners, so Marjorie takes the time to provide details on WordPress.com security features, including backups, spam filtering, brute force attack prevention, and more. You’ll also learn about preventive measures like strong passwords and two-step authentication. You want to protect your investment — we’ll show you how.

Who should take the Fiverr course on WordPress.com?

If you’re already familiar with the WordPress platform, you may not need to sign up for this video course. However, even some experienced website designers have learned new things about WordPress.com.

As one five-star review states:

“This online course on building my WP site was probably the best thing I’ve done in a long time. Taking this course is going to save me a lot of time, save me a lot of money, and make me a lot of money! Thank you WordPress and Fiverr!” ~ audreynatividad

Here’s who the WordPress.com Fiverr course benefits:

You’re new to WordPress.com: If you’ve never created a website using WordPress before, you can follow along with Marjorie. By the time you’re done, you’ll have a working site!

You’re stuck building your site: Have you hit a roadblock or lost the motivation to complete the job? Marjorie has the expert advice you need to jumpstart that web project and turn it into a success. 

You want to build websites for others: WordPress.com is an excellent place to start a career as a freelance web designer. If you’re already using Fiverr to find clients, you’ll get a nifty WordPress badge upon course completion!

WordPress.com users on our Business and plugin-enabled plans get access to a Quick Start Concierge Service, which includes personalized sessions with Happiness Engineers. For those who’ve chosen the Personal or plugin-enabled plan, the Fiverr course offers a similar experience. Whether it’s an in-depth course on getting started, or help with a technical issue that’s got you scratching your head, WordPress.com is a partner you can count on.

Special thanks to the team at Fiverr for partnering with us to develop this WordPress.com video content. Try Fiverr if you need freelance professionals to help you with your small business marketing. 


Kasey Steinbrinck

Kasey Steinbrinck produced television and radio programming and wrote for an award-winning local newspaper before learning the ways of content marketing. Since then, he's helped organizations ranging from tech and IT to manufacturing and construction reach their target audiences with a cohesive content strategy based on strong storytelling. He's currently a content marketing consultant for Automattic.

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