How to Promote Your Business on LinkedIn

Like other social media platforms, LinkedIn can be an effective marketing tool for engaging with potential customers and partners. Learn how to promote your business on LinkedIn with this quick-start guide.

1. Create a Company Page

Create a page with a custom domain name for your business with LinkedIn Company Pages. This allows others to learn more about your business’s products, services, and any job opportunities. It also makes your company look more reputable.

2. Link to your personal profile

Once you set up a Company Page, link it to your personal LinkedIn profile. Your personal connections can explore your Company Page when they click on your profile.

3. Post content

Just like you would on other social media accounts, use LinkedIn to share useful posts. This includes content from your website, such as blog posts and product launches, as well as relevant industry news.

4. Engage with other users

Participate in groups (or start your own), share content that others post, and comment on statuses to naturally draw attention to your business.

5. Follow other companies

Use LinkedIn to network and build your community by following other companies in your industry. This is a good way to glean insights and get some new ideas for content.

6. Ask for recommendations

Using LinkedIn, send personalized messages to past customers, asking for written recommendations endorsing your business. These can serve as testimonials for how amazing your business is, giving you a boost in social proof.

7. Use social share buttons

Encourage others to share your content on LinkedIn using social share buttons.

8. Advertise

LinkedIn’s paid ads can be a powerful promotional tool. Not sure where to begin? Learn how to promote your business on LinkedIn using its advertising platform with the below steps.

Advertise your business on LinkedIn using paid ads

Follow these steps to promote your business on LinkedIn with paid advertising.

  1. Choose an ad format. Go to LinkedIn’s Campaign Manager and choose the type of ad you want. You can create Sponsored Content, Sponsored InMail, and Text Ads.
  2. Create the ad. Input the copy and images for your ad.
  3. Choose your audience. Target who will see your advertisements, picking factors like age and location.
  4. Create a budget. Specify how much you can pay by selecting bid type, maximum bid, daily budget, and start date.


Bev Feldman

Bev Feldman is a Boston-based jewelry designer, blogger, and freelance writer specializing in eCommerce, blogging, small business, and parenting. She's passionate about eco-friendly living, which you can read about in her personal blog,

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