Want to Rebrand? Try a Website Refresh

When was the last time you updated your site’s design or features?

Chances are, a lot has changed since your last update. Tools that you use have likely improved, your business might have pivoted, perhaps you honed in on your target audience, or the audience itself shifted.

If you can’t recall when you last adapted to changing trends, it might be time for a website refresh.

To determine whether you should update, evaluate what would necessitate a site makeover, the tools you can use, and how to position it as an opportunity to market your brand.

Your website says a lot about your brand

For many business owners, a website is the single most important marketing tool at their disposal. Websites drive sales and introduce brands to the world. However, a website that doesn’t visually please or is less than functional can actually drive customers away.

Changing with the times

Considering the rapid pace at which technology and design trends are evolving, a formerly cutting-edge site can become outdated in a very short amount of time. Does it take less than a few seconds for your content to load? Does your site look great on tablets and mobile phones? If the answer is “no,” it’s time for a website refresh — and a switch to a responsive theme!

Evolve with your brand

Even if your website is performing well, it might be misaligned with your brand.

Perhaps you changed its logo, color palette, or brand voice. Maybe you’re introducing a new line of products or services. Or, you might want to show audience members that your business is dynamic and investing in the future.

Redesign a website without professional help

If you’re not a professional web designer, you can still maintain a trendy website with updated features. By building a website with WordPress.com, you can tap into hundreds of professionally designed themes with varied features and customizable options. After selecting a theme, personalize it with your branding and populate it with your content.

With WordPress.com, you can build a modern, professional-looking website in less than 24 hours, no matter what your budget allows for.

A website refresh is another chance to market your brand

A website refresh is a great marketing opportunity, but only if you spread the word about it. To share your refresh, create a website launch plan that addresses the following elements:

  1. Who should know about your website refresh? Be sure to inform your email and newsletter subscribers, customers, social media followers, and any small business associations you belong to.
  2. When should you tell audience members about the refresh? For example, should you build up anticipation by letting customers know that you have a new website in the works? Once it’s live, consider sending an official announcement. CoSchedule indicates that Tuesdays at 10 a.m. see the highest email open rates.
  3. Why should people care about your website redesign? Will your updated site make placing online orders easier? Will it include a new, highly-anticipated tool? To incentivize visitors to check it out, consider offering a promotion that customers can only find and redeem on your website.

After you let the world know about your new website, be sure to keep tabs on your Site Stats and track key performance indicators for insights about how your audience is reacting to the refresh.


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