A Custom Snapchat Filter Can Be a Powerful Business Tool

You probably know that Snapchat is a social app designed for sharing photos in amusing ways. But did you know that Snapchat also offers savvy marketing tools for businesses? Its custom Snapchat filter, for instance, is sort of like digital advertising that your visitors can attach to their own posts.

If you’re wondering how such a tool might benefit your business, think of it this way: whether you’re a dog groomer, a tailor, or a florist, you’ve probably seen snap-happy folks taking photos of themselves and your products or services while visiting your place of business. Other promotional photo opportunities for your business include company events, trade fairs, and holiday markets that you partake in. Your storefront and products now serve as the backdrop to photos that are shared with dozens (if not hundreds) of friends, family members, and followers.

Will anyone recognize your business in these photos? They will if you have a custom Snapchat filter.

How a custom Snapchat filter works

Imagine that you’re an exhibitor at a local trade show. You’ve set up your booth alongside various competitors, and you’re noticing that people glance this way and that without really zeroing in on your products or services. If you have a custom Snapchat filter, however, it might pop up on user interfaces as they enter the venue, notifying them of your company or brand. Now they’re aware of you, and they begin to wander over to check out what you have to offer, snapping photos using the filter designed specifically for your business to adorn their shots.

How it benefits your company

When users apply a custom creative tool designed by Snapchat, using it to add filter features (such as your store’s name, address, logo, and theme images to their photos), they’re normally doing so as a quick, amusing, and trendy way to let followers know what they’re up to. From a business owner’s perspective, this is similar to word-of-mouth marketing, but using visuals rather than verbal communication to do the “talking.”

How to make it happen

To use a custom Snapchat filter, visitors simply swipe their phone screens and select your custom filter to apply to their photos. Before they can do that, you need to make the tool available to them. Snapchat will design your filter after you provide information such as your business’ name, location, and the details of an event. Here’s your chance to be creative. Tell Snapchat what you need. Share information like an event theme, a line from your mission statement, your company’s color scheme, or a few images that best represent your business. Before you commit to a filter, Snapchat will send you a mockup to approve or return for revisions. Although community filters are normally free to use (not including businesses), custom filters are priced based on the extent of your design.


Lorna Hordos

Lorna Hordos is a home-flipping business owner and freelance writer.

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