Write for Us: WordPress.com Guest Blogging Program

TL;DR: Are you interested in contributing to our collection of WordPress-focused articles? We are opening our doors to guest bloggers who write exceptional content. Read on for more details.

We believe that great content comes from diverse voices and perspectives, and our Guest Blogging Program is designed with that in mind. This program provides an opportunity for writers, creators, and industry experts to share their insights, experiences, and expertise with our vast community of readers.

Go by WordPress.com is where experts share their knowledge on building and growing a successful web presence. If you have relevant knowledge to share with our community of WordPress users or with anyone interested in content creation or developing a web presence, we would love to hear from you. 

By participating in our Guest Blogging Program, you’ll:

  • have the opportunity to reach a diverse and engaged audience 
  • gain exposure for your work 
  • become an integral part of our vibrant WordPress.com community. 

We believe in nurturing talent and providing a platform for voices that deserve to be heard, and we can’t wait to see the incredible contributions you’ll bring to our site.

To ensure your pitch meets our expectations and the needs of our readers, we have established clear guidelines that outline the standards and expectations for guest blog submissions. These guidelines provide essential information on content requirements, formatting, attribution, and more, ensuring that your work aligns with our quality standards and resonates with our audience.

Ready to get started? Read through our guidelines below and submit your guest blog pitch today. Let’s create something extraordinary together!

Guidelines for Submission

  1. Content Originality
    1. All submitted content must be original and not previously published in any form, including online platforms, books, or articles.
    2. The content should not be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
    3. The article must not be a topic that is already covered on our site. Search our articles to ensure we haven’t already written on this topic before submitting.
  2. Relevance
    1. Submissions should align with the content strategy of our current topics.
    2. The article should address topics that are of interest and relevance to our WordPress and website-focused readership.
    3. The article should provide some context as to how WordPress.com can fill a need that is mentioned in the article or has some relevance to the subject matter.
  3. Quality
    1. All submissions are expected to meet high standards of quality. Please follow our Writing Style Guide and our Standards of Performance here.
    2. The articles should be thoroughly researched and based on reliable sources.
    3. Factual accuracy is crucial, and claims should be supported by evidence or citations.
    4. The content should be written in a clear, concise, and engaging manner, keeping the readers’ interest in mind.
    5. If the content is designed to tell someone what to do, then it should also show them how to do it, or link to other WordPress.com articles that dive deeper into details.
  4. Format and Structure
    1. Each submission should have an engaging title that accurately reflects the content.
    2. The article should include an introduction that provides an overview of the topic and engages the reader.
    3. The body of the article should be divided into clearly demarcated sections or points, making it easy to follow.
    4. The article should have a well-written conclusion that summarizes the main points or provides a key takeaway.
    5. Using bullet points, numbered lists, and subheadings is encouraged to enhance readability and organization of the content.
  5. Attribution
    1. Proper attribution of data, statistics, quotes, or any other referenced information is essential.
    2. The article should include appropriate citations or links to the original sources of information.
    3. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and all content should be properly attributed to the respective authors or sources.
  6. Word Count
    1. Guest posts should ideally fall within the word count range of 1500-2500 words but more or less are welcome as might be appropriate for the topic.
    2. Please cover the topic comprehensively while maintaining reader engagement.
  7. SEO
    1. Contributors should aim to optimize their content for search engines.
    2. This includes identifying and incorporating relevant keywords throughout the article.
    3. Adding meta descriptions, relevant tags, and appropriate headings can improve search engine visibility.
    4. Contributors should also include links to reputable sources within the content to enhance credibility and authority.
  8. Images and Media
    1. Contributors should include relevant images, infographics, or videos to supplement the text.
    2. Screenshots should be included, where relevant.
    3. All media content should be of high quality and visually appealing.
    4. It is important to either own the rights to the images/media or have explicit permission to use them.
    5. Proper attribution or source information should accompany any included images or media.
  9. Author Bio
    1. Please include your Gravatar user profile link. We use Gravatar’s About Me field for our author bios on articles. You can adjust this in your Gravatar profile edit screen. Please limit the bio to about 2 or 3 sentences.
    2. Make sure you have a clear profile picture in your Gravatar profile.
  10. Acceptance Not Guaranteed
    1. Even if a submission meets all the criteria, acceptance for publication is not guaranteed.
    2. Due to a high volume of submissions, we can only select a limited number of articles for publication.
    3. We will only reply to your submission if we are interested in your pitch. If you don’t hear from us within two weeks from the date you submitted the form, we will not be soliciting an article for that pitch from you.
  11. Exclusive Right to Publish
    1. If we decide to publish your submitted post, you agree not to publish it elsewhere.
    2. You are free to share the published article with your networks and provide links to it. Sharing is actively encouraged.
    3. However, republishing the article on personal websites, social media platforms, or other third-party sites is not allowed.
  12. Our Discretion
    1. We reserve the right to make editorial changes to the content. This may include correcting spelling or grammatical errors, adding calls-to-action to our internal content, ensuring accuracy and completeness, or updating information if it becomes outdated. 
    2. We may also delete the post any time in the future.

Have a pitch that meets all the criteria above? Wonderful! Submit it below.

We will get in touch within two weeks from the date you submit the form if we are interested in your idea.


Donna Cavalier

Living the cavalier life. I'm a writer, editor, and WordPress enthusiast at work, and a mom to 3 Chiweenies at home.

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