How to Write a Post on LinkedIn That Gets Noticed: 10 Tips

LinkedIn is still the most trusted social media network for B2B professionals: 86 percent of business pros use LinkedIn, per Sagefrog. Each week, there are nine billion content impressions on the network’s feed.

Learning how to write a post on LinkedIn means learning a set of rules that’s different from those for how to write for your blog. Here’s how to promote your business on LinkedIn.

How to create the best posts for LinkedIn

The site has a unique algorithm to increase feed exposure for the relevant, engaging posts. The only way to win at LinkedIn is to create high-quality posts. Learning how to write a post on LinkedIn which drives social engagement is a unique skill set.

1. Write long posts

LinkedIn posts can contain up to 1,300 characters. It’s best to write long posts with a powerful introduction and content that’s valuable for the reader.

The first three lines of your post are critical for capturing attention, since readers have to click to “see more” on LinkedIn.

2. Don’t post blog links

LinkedIn reports that 72 percent of B2B buyers use digital content to research for purchasing decisions. With this in mind, it’s important for your posts to offer value and insight that readers can’t find elsewhere.

Don’t add a link in your post every time you post. Instead, share a link to relevant content in the comments.

3. Format correctly

Formatting is critical to the success of a LinkedIn post. Use short sentences and clear language.

It’s also best to break the text up into short paragraphs. Use emojis sparingly for emphasis.

4. Add three hashtags

LinkedIn users have the opportunity to add an unlimited number of hashtags to text posts, but don’t use this as permission to go overboard. “Three hashtags is plenty,” recommends social marketer David Hartshorne.

Make sure to format multi-word hashtags for better readability by capitalizing the first letter of each word. #SocialMediaMarketing is easier to decipher at a glance than #socialmediamarketing.

5. Use clear language

Your LinkedIn audience is made up of business professionals. Write posts that are intelligent, but avoid a stuffy tone. Instead, strive for clear, factual writing.

An OkDork study of 3,000 LinkedIn posts found “easy” writing on the Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease Test outperformed posts written at a college or high school reading level. An 11-year-old should be able to read your LinkedIn posts.

6. Add images

Enhance the visual appeal of at least some of your LinkedIn posts by uploading an image or other multimedia content with your post. Avoid stock photos or visual cliches.

Consider taking this a step further as well. “Unique imagery tends to stand out,” according to LinkedIn. LinkedIn recommends creating a custom-made image collage in order to get extra engagement.

7. Post regularly

Consistency is a cornerstone of social media success and social marketer Louise Myers recommends posting twice a week or more. However, don’t post more than once per day.

8. Use analytics

LinkedIn rewards posts that gain immediate engagement via likes, reactions, and comments. Maximize your engagement by using your LinkedIn post analytics to learn when your audience is online. This data can be found on your LinkedIn profile by clicking Me, selecting Manage, then viewing your Posts & Activity.

9. Mobile Optimize

More than 57 percent of LinkedIn content impressions occur on a mobile device, according to the social network. Optimize your posts for small screens by using visually rich infographic images.

10. Post diverse visual content

Including multimedia content with LinkedIn posts can increase engagement by 98%, per LinkedIn. Keep your audience’s interest by sharing text posts enhanced with videos, images, infographics, or embedded slideshows.

Winning at LinkedIn marketing

Mastering the most up-to-date best practices for how to write a LinkedIn post can improve your organic marketing reach on the world’s biggest B2B social network. Learn how to connect LinkedIn to your website, or check out our Definitive Guide to LinkedIn for Business.


Jasmine Henry

Jasmine is a freelance technology writer, with interests in UX, mobile optimization, and web design trends. She's also a Project Management Professional with an academic background in Informatics and Analytics.

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