What happened to WP Admin/Dashboard link?

  • When you follow the instruction of the image widget, it says: you can do this via your Media → Add New page .
    But…. there is no option ‘Media’ in the menu….

  • @lekkeretensite, you are right. A media section is missing and will be added to WordPress.com admin pages in the future. In the mean time, you can use the add media button inside a post or page to upload an image or you can go to your home page and type /wp-admin to the end of it to reach the older WP Admin pages until a newer media section can be added. If you use /wp-admin make sure to click the images in the navigation on the left, you should see Media listed there. There is also some work being done to update the image widget as it’s out of date. I’m sorry for the delay on these things! There are a lot of moving pieces and we look both at usage stats and feedback from everyone to determine how to prioritize work for each new section.

  • Problem 1. Where can I control the comments in the new dashboard?
    Problem 2. When I make a post and save it as a concept I can’t see anymore where I can open the post to be published.
    I give courses WordPress at the moment. I had to rewrite all the handouts and it is each time a surprise which menus had been changed, functions are addes or deleted. It is terrible…

  • Is there a possibility to create contactforms in the new dashboard?

  • Where can I control the comments in the new dashboard?

    You can use the notifications icon (shaped like a bell) in the right side of the top toolbar.

    When I make a post and save it as a concept I can’t see anymore where I can open the post to be published.

    Go to My Sites > Blog Posts, then click “Drafts” at the top (or select it from a dropdown if you don’t see the link straight away).

    I give courses WordPress at the moment. I had to rewrite all the handouts and it is each time a surprise which menus had been changed, functions are addes or deleted. It is terrible…

    Would it work to keep the handouts digitally on a blog instead?

    Is there a possibility to create contactforms in the new dashboard?

    You can create a contact form using the contact form shortcodes for now, and a better interface for those is going to be added to the interface soon. For now, shortcodes should be the temporary workaround:

  • Bring back the WP Admin menu once you sign-in. Having to amend the URL seems silly, when this functionality existed just a week or two ago. This was a catch-all for everything that you could possibly do as a site admin, but now that involves jumping through multiple hoops to get the same results. It’s definitely a step backwards to not have that, as it is basically replaced by the stats page. You really should be able to get to any of your sites’ admin page after signing-in, which, once again, existed until it was replaced by far less functionality in seeing just your reader or stats page.

    An example of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”

  • We need the link to the old admin! Stop bullying people into roundabout ways of getting full functionality!!!

    I cannot even edit media in the already published post from the new dashboard (apart from alignment) – there is no way I can change what the media file links to (for some reason it now links to nothing instead of a full-sized file as it used before) either from the pop-up menu or edit button. So I had to amend URL to get back to the old editing interface with full functionality.

    (That’s not even mentioning the fact that scheduling missed the time.)

  • Q: Where can I control the comments in the new dashboard?
    A: You can use the notifications icon (shaped like a bell) in the right side of the top toolbar.

    It’s not working in the new dashboard. I commented on a post but in the notification icon is nothing to see. In the old dashboard the comment is places in the spambox.

  • @summermonroe411, the hope is that you will stay in the new WordPress.com interface without needing to amend the URLs. I know the transition is hard, and I am here to help you find things you need and do whatever I can to help.

    @andykirillov, regarding editing the links for images, the full sized image is the default but you can replace that any time. The only option that is missing in that preset list of links is the attachment page but that was linked to so rarely according to stats that an option for it was not moved to the new editor. Adding a custom link, however, should be just as easy or easier.

    I commented on a post but in the notification icon is nothing to see. In the old dashboard the comment is places in the spambox.

    @lekkeretensite, to clarify, are you asking to see comments that are spam comments?

  • No, I want to see the comments if people react on my posts. The comments are not vsisible in the new dashboard.

  • @lekkeretensite, those comments should be working and visible in the notifications panel unless you have turned of the setting for that at https://wordpress.com/me/notifications (I checked your settings and they are on so you should be good to go). I also checked your blog lekkeretensite.wordpress.com and there are no pending comments as of yet, and you won’t see a notification appear until someone does leave a comment on your blog that is not a spam comment.

  • I can’t manage tags with the new interface. Can’t find out where to go or what to do.

    So I went to the help pages, but they’re completely reliant on the wp-admin pages. So the screen shots and step by step instructions don’t match my interface at all. That’s intensely frustrating (<– understatement).

    Can I please ask that either a FAQ is added explaining how to get to the old Dashboard, or that the help pages are updated with that step for tasks that aren’t yet in the new system?

  • @designsimply

    I currently have some 120000 comments to manage. The notification panel is not fit for this purpose.

    As for adding media, I frequently want to include an image in a comment. Surely you are not suggesting that I create a post so that I can use the add media button in order to add an image?

  • I have to agree with many others who have posted here. The WP-Admin panel was/is so much more functional than what is now showing up in this pared-down dashboard interface that comes with newer sites. You can do everything from WP-Admin. It now seems like we have to hunt the interface for functions. Why split them up? Those of us who were lucky to have older sites already established have the WP-Admin option as a link in the new panel. Why can’t that be made available to new sites? I teach a college class where students have to create their own public-facing blogs and I encourage them to use WordPress.com as a first choice, mostly because it was so user-friendly and very similar to what they would see in a WordPress install on a personal site. Sorry to see that WP-Admin is now harder to find and replaced with a less functional dashboard view.

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