URL Purchased

  • Hello,

    I purchased a website URL to get rid of the wordpress.com on the end of the URL. However, when I search the URL I purchased, it still brings me to the WordPress.com address. How can I fix this?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    A paid plan is required to set a custom domain as the primary domain on your site.

    You may upgrade your site to the paid plan by going to My Site >> Upgrades >> Plans.

    If you have already upgraded your site to a paid plan, you can then set your custom domain as the primary domain as explained here:

  • Hello,

    Would there be a way to get this refunded then if we do not choose to use a paid plan? I bought the URL thinking that I could use it.

    Thank you

  • Hello there,

    You can cancel your domain, but please note it may not be available in the future. Also, the domain is three days past the 96-hour refund window.

    If you purchase an annual hosting plan, we can refund the $19 for the domain because you get the domain free for the first year in that case

    Can you tell us more about the type of site you want to make? That way, we can help you select a plan that aligns with what you’d like to accomplish.

    I noticed the site looks like it’s for your church. What are the most important things people should be able to do when visiting the site? Do they need to fill out a contact form, make donations, or do anything else?

    We look forward to hearing from you. Have a nice day!

  • Good morning,

    Thank you for your support! I do have one more question. We have decided to go with a different URL for our website and get the personal plan. What would happen with our first URL centenarychurchscottsville.com if we purchased a different URL with the personal plan?

  • For the domain you do not want, centenarychurchscottsville.com, you can disable the auto renew on it and allow it to expire next year. When you get the plan, choose the domain you want and the domain credit on the plan will pay for the first year.

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