Unified Navigation

  • Over the next few days, we’ll be combining the Calypso and WP-Admin sidebars into one that’s consistent across both dashboards. This should help reduce confusion when navigating between Calypso and WP-Admin features.

    Where there’s a duplicate feature on WordPress.com, we’re letting you choose whether to default to Calypso or WP-Admin, so please take a moment to go to https://wordpress.com/me/account and set your link preference there:
    Screenshot of Account Settings with Show advanced dashboard pages

    We’ll be gathering feedback on any friction you’re running into with the navigation update, so if something feels off, please add details to this thread: let us know what you clicked on, what you expected, and what happened instead. If you can share a bit about your typical use, too, that would be helpful.

    If you’ve encountered a bug, please create a separate thread and add a modlook tag.

    As always, please be mindful of our community standards. Thank you!

  • Is this supposed to be already implemented or a girl needs to be patient as I have a few questions?
    I don’t normally use the desktop app because it’s hard to get it to open without logging me out giving me some kind of attitude so I really am looking forward to a change of some sort.

    so my questions
    1. suppose I already had a desktop app and I went on to download this new version when I install it, does it upgrade the app that I already have or it’s a whole new separate installation. ? I got an upgrade to the one I had so I removed it completely and installed afresh and it still looks the same.

    2. According to this and this too
    im supposed to be seeing a cool new interface which does not look like this https://snipboard.io/Yz1LuZ.jpg. This is what im seeing on my newly installed desktop app . Mind you i downloaded it here it has to be the calypso one right ?

    I didn’t know if I should make a separate new topic for this.

  • Hello there!

    Happy to help you with this.

    1. suppose I already had a desktop app and I went on to download this new version when I install it, does it upgrade the app that I already have or it’s a whole new separate installation. ? I got an upgrade to the one I had so I removed it completely and installed afresh and it still looks the same.

    Nothing would need to be installed in addition. The apps will be updated accordingly with this update.

    2. According to this and this too
    im supposed to be seeing a cool new interface which does not look like this https://snipboard.io/Yz1LuZ.jpg. This is what im seeing on my newly installed desktop app . Mind you i downloaded it here it has to be the calypso one right ?

    This is being rolled out in the next few days, so you might not be seeing this straight away. :)

    I hope this helps.

  • Unified navigation just dropped for me. Came with a force of the block editor, which has never worked for me on two browsers. I don’t know if it’s my video card or something but it always hangs on page load, and never lets me input.

    There was a test run on this months ago and I was in the ‘lucky’ few who got to be part of the test run. To quote support: “I completely understand and agree. This was something that should have never appeared and is a testing tool that doesn’t work properly or how you would expected.” As part of that I gave extensive feedback and spent hours with support on a day I had work to do.

    Now it’s been implemented again with no fixes to the errors and issues I pointed out.

    Initial feedback: this is really bad ‘new web’ design.
    – Block editor does not work. I cannot fathom why classic editor isn’t being left as a secondary option in the settings. I have a post due for my readers and I’m now struggling with support.
    – Far less content viewable on the front page. No recent comments, as a big thing that was really nice to have visible in one place.
    – Individual UI elements take up far too much screen real estate. The homepage has built-in advertisements for wordpress features taking up a quarter of the viewable menus and things. All about how to ‘grow’ my wordpress. Been doing this for 10 years, I pay you guys plenty already, I don’t need it and I should be able to dismiss this.
    – Comment real estate when I click through to the comment section is really awful. Moderating large numbers of comments is a tedious affair when one comment takes up 75% of the page, and on a 22″ monitor there’s a handspan of empty space left on either side of the comments. This works really poorly with zoom, because zooming in (ctrl +) removes the white space but also magnifies other bloated UI elements, so I get even less of the comment visible on the screen.
    – Posts are listed in a way that is simultaneously cramped (2 days ago, 20,040 Recent Views in the past 30 days 50 Likes 270 Comments all in tiny font all squished in together), in squished little rows, not making effective use of space (handspan of white space on either side), and not conveying the same information that was in the prior post navigator. Again, it zooms badly.

    I’m now working with Support to try and get to where I can actually post on this mess because block editor does not work for me, and I’m pretty infuriated.

  • Hello there,

    Many thanks for taking time to put together that feedback. I’ve taken a look at your support history and it looks like there’s two historical issues here.

    1. The experience with the block editor, and it looks like there was a mistake on our part which has since been rectified.

    2. The experience with the new navigation.

    I would continue to reach out to support here: https://wordpress.com/help/contact for 1:1 help with those changes.

    In the meantime, I noticed from your support history that there was/is Ad Blocker plus running on the browser.

    Is that still in use? If yes, please know that ad blockers are notorious for interfering with websites and how they function. They can make mistakes and stop things loading (like the editor) in error. I would recommend removing this browser extension.

    I hope that helps and is all very useful to you.

  • Color me happy with the changes. I’ve felt pulled to use the wordpress.com calypso-fied backend for my business plan website but was continuously forced to return the native site backend due to missing pieces.

    I’ll add, this appears to be wonderfully more nimble than the initial calypso-fied version, another motivation to leave in the past.

    My only bitch is how difficult it was to find my way here to find a confirmation and explanation of the change.

  • I’m confused. Is Calypso going to be a replacement for the block editor?

    I keep trying Block Editor, and it won’t do the things that WP Admin will. Although the current version can finally do Attribution fields for photographs, this setting is buried under an Advanced tab that closes each time I use it, so that I have to manually open it for every photograph. That would be bearable, but:

    For some reason, Block Editor won’t let me set photos to Full Size and Link to Media. It resets to Custom Size (I don’t know where that came from; I didn’t set it.) and deletes the Link to Media setting.

    All this matters because my seasonal blog documents the melting of the ice on Lake of the Woods. I post high-resolution aerial photographs, and link the full-size version to the web-page version so that people can see fine details. Some of these photgraphs come from contributors who need attribution.

    So far, every simplified interface that’s intended to replace WP Admin has been inadequate. Worse, dialog pop-ups butt in to say saved changes may be lost, and then reset all the manual changes and go back to weird defaults like Custom Size images and no Link to Media.

    For now, I want to set WP Admin as the default, so that simplified interfaces cannot keep downgrading my content. I tried to follow the link to the setting for that that’s given above, but it kept taking me to the wrong one of my blogs, and it didn’t look like the example.

  • Thanks @whatcommarketing. We collect all the feedback to pass it along, but it’s a joy to share feedback like that.

  • Hi @timothygwyn, Calypso is more like a dashboard than an editor. You can use it to see your stats, manage upgrades and Publicize settings, etc. This change allows you to choose whether to point to Calypso links or wp-admin links, where there is duplicate functionality.

    Would you be willing to start a new post with your questions about the block editor? We’re happy to help you sort these questions out.

  • I hope you can help with this problem.
    The support section has obsolete information and my topic is closed for comments.
    I need to access the Classic Editor to add posts to my blog.
    The new system is simply awful. I never minded clicking extra links to get to the original, well-functioning classic editor.
    I cannot format text or color text using the new terrible system.

  • Hello @flyingcuttlefish

    Many thanks for reaching out.

    The classic editor has now been deprecated. I can recommend the classic block here: https://wordpress.com/support/wordpress-editor/blocks/classic-block/ which retains some of the functionality of the classic editor.

    I hope this helps!

  • I would like to draw your attention that not all the behaviors of the same tools found in one dashboard and the other are the same; for example, the users section of the administrative area adds another possibility to deal with the content produced by excluded users.

    I treated here:


    And here:

    Community tips

  • I haven’t even found any benefits to the new version. I totally agree with wildbow and timothygwyn. Can’t I get back the previous version?

  • I agree!

    I hate, hate, hate the new version.
    Just rll back to the good working old versin, or easy ption to access it.
    I use a computer (not a phone) to write my blog and I need to edit the font colors etc.
    The “new” version is a nightmare.

    I hope WP gets a ton of complaints to prod them to change it back.

  • — sorry …. my “o” key is loose ….. causing misspellings

  • After I wrote, the classic version was returned as an optional mode. Thank you very much! ♥

  • I hope so!

    The squeaky wheel gets the grease!

  • Will the classic mode be permanently retained?
    Or is there a deadline for when it is finally gone?

  • I just checked….the CLASSIC EDITOR is restored on my panel too.

    Thanks everybody who fixed this problem!!


  • the restored Classic Editor works for me except I cannot go and check stats on an older post.

    I select the post and select the stats icon and the page that shows is an error page saying I d not have permission. The error page url ends with page=stats&view=post&post=1504

  • The topic ‘Unified Navigation’ is closed to new replies.