Two Questions Regarding WP-Admin

  • Alright, I have two questions regarding WP-Admin:

    01: What happened to the section regarding links? It’s no longer there and I can’t find any way to access it. Are the developers screwing around with things again? I hope they aren’t making things worse, yet again. How do I find the links section now? I’d like to add custom links to blogs, sites, and shops I enjoy, but I can’t do that until I can find how to access and add links again.

    Second: What the hell is going on with WP-Admin? I get a notification that things are getting moved to one place in the sidebar….Please, for the love of all that’s lovely with this site, please don’t ruin the WP-Admin. If this is the case, is there any way to opt out of this nightmare, or are we going to have this terrible thing forced down our throats, yet again? I don’t want to see WP-Admin ruined, as it’s pretty much the only way I can customize and edit things on my blog in an accessible manner.

    Can someone please ease my fears here?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • 1. Assuming you mean it was technically removed a number a years ago. Sites that were active at the time still have it, but new sites since then do not.

    Instead, we recommend a Menu widget as menus can be built with custom links:

    2. We’re combining the Calypso and WP-Admin sidebars into one that’s consistent across both dashboards. This should help reduce confusion when navigating between Calypso and WP-Admin features.

    Where there’s a duplicate feature on, we’re letting you choose whether to default to Calypso or WP-Admin, so please take a moment to go to and set your link preference there. Here’s a screenshot:

    If something feels off, please add details to this thread, letting us know what you clicked on, what you expected, and what happened instead. If you can share a bit about your typical use, too, that would be helpful.

  • While I thank you for the attempt, screen shots don’t help as I’m too blind for them.

    I don’t think so? There used to be a section in wp-admin called links. You could create a list, add a custom link there, and then when adding things to the side bar, or wherever widgets are on a theme, you could select the specific list and all the custom links added to said list would show up.

    Could one of the mods please switch my setting to wp-admin as default? Because I just looked for the setting, and I can’t find it. I wonder if this is something currently inaccessible to a screen reader.

  • Hi there,

    Could one of the mods please switch my setting to wp-admin as default? Because I just looked for the setting, and I can’t find it. I wonder if this is something currently inaccessible to a screen reader.

    No problem. I have set your account to default to wp-admin pages wherever possible. This will allow you to access the the wp-admin view for pages, blog posts, comment management, etc.

    There used to be a section in wp-admin called links. You could create a list, add a custom link there, and then when adding things to the side bar, or wherever widgets are on a theme, you could select the specific list and all the custom links added to said list would show up.

    With the new navigation change have removed the link manager option, primarily because it is used by only a very small percentage of site owners and the link to that page was removed from the open-source version of WordPress (which we derive our service from) some years ago.

    The good news is you can still access it though. To do that you will need to visit the page by typing in the URL manually, or by bookmarking it. For example here is the links manager page for one of your sites:

    Essentially you can add /link-manager.php to the end of any wp-admin URL to get to the link manager page. So for your other site this is the main wp-admin URL:

    If you add /link-manager.php to the end of that, you get this URL:

    If you visit that link, you will land on the link manager page for

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

  • @roblbrownblind19,

    01: What happened to the section regarding links? It’s no longer there and I can’t find any way to access it.

    The Links menu has been hidden by default for some years, as indicated by @staff-blorbo, but it can be restored to the WP-Admin admin menu. I’ll tell you how.

    I encountered the same issue about a week ago, and after a number of trials on various test sites, I found the following regarding the Links menu in the WP-Admin admin (left sidebar) menu:

    1. As indicated by @staff-totoro above, the WP-Admin Links page, or Links Manager page, may be reached by adding /wp-admin/link-manager.php to your site URL. You won’t need to use this after the Links menu is restored, or made to reappear, in the WP-Admin admin menu.

    2. If you presently have three or more links in the Links menu, then adding one more link will cause the Links menu to appear. A link can be added at the WP-Admin Links page, which may be reached by adding /wp-admin/link-add.php to your site URL.

    3. Once the Links menu has been restored as described in item #2, it will disappear again if enough links are deleted to bring the total to fewer than four.

    See the recent and relevant forum topic (started by me) Links menu missing from WP-Admin menu on most of my sites.

    Make the hidden Links menu visible, summary:
    a. The total number of links must be more than three.
    b. Even if the total is above three, at least one link must be added (temporarily) to bring the hidden Links menu out of hiding. Later the total number of links may be reduced to any number greater than three, i.e. at least four.
    c. Once the Links menu is visible in the WP-Admin admin menu, if you reduce the number of links to fewer than four, then it will become hidden again.

  • The big question is: Why are we hiding the Links menu?

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