Sites/plans/domain muddle

  • Hi. I’m hoping someone can help me please, everything is a bit of a muddle somehow.

    My domain I wish to use is

    My plan and the wordpress site NAME I wish to keep which has a Starter plan on it I wish to keep

    My site with all its CONTENT I wish to keep is I am unsure as to how this came about that my content and desired layout of the site I’m trying to launch is under this different “7” site

    How can I get the full site of including all its content to actually be the site address and plan on – and then have the domain be attached to the ?

    I have tried to use the live chat / support feature with no success. Every time it says I’m being connected to a happiness engineer the pop up chat disappears and I need to start again. I am located in Australia.

    Thanks kindly

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there

    How can I get the full site of including all its content to actually be the site address and plan on – and then have the domain be attached to the ?

    You can export the content from via Tools > Export as mentioned here and you will get an XML file. Now switch to the site and import that XML file via Tools > Import as mentioned here.

    After importing the content you can attach the to by following these instructions here and then set the domain as primary site address as mentioned here.

    To avoid confusion in the future, please feel free to delete the sites that you don’t need.

    I hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any other questions, as we would be happy to further assist you.

  • thanks for that. I did try exporting and importing it but that didn’t work.

  • I did try exporting and importing it but that didn’t work.

    I wonder if you could give us more details about what failed?
    Were there any errors?

    Please give this another try and let us know if the issue persists.

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