Should I combine my blog with my website? How?

  • @anjis3-For clarity, this is the support forum for, which is the hosted version of WordPress. Because we are on a shared environment here, we have several limitations. I suggest reading for better understanding.

    @cathyscholl-a lot of the information anjis3 gave is relevant only for self-hosted sites using the WordPress software. For example, we don’t have FTP access here on, so you can’t download your photos that way.

    As far as SEO goes, WPcom is highly optimized for search engines. If you move your blog to your custom domain (also hosted on WPcom) you can expect to take a temporary hit in views and it may take a while to catch up. Since you would be keeping the same link structure for your posts (you don’t have a choice since both sites are hosted on WPcom), you can buy the redirect upgrade. Since the redirect is a permanent one, that means after a year you shouldn’t need to renew the upgrade.

    There is a way to get around the footer issue you mention using widget visibility settings.

    I’d be happy to have a further look, but my time here is really limited these days.

  • @justjennifer – I actually looked up articles that talked about – I have blogs on both :) As far as the SEO goes, I was just saying that bringing the blog to the website would also bring the SEO from the Articles with it and bring all the traffic to the .com URL. There shouldn’t be a hit in views if she has her blog redirected from, which is what it says to do in the last article I sent:

    This article specifically talks about merging two accounts. The reason that my first replies were focused on was because from what the original question was, I thought that she was trying to bring her blog into a installation, which was clarified later in the conversation. :)

  • @justjennifer thanks for taking the time to comment. I will check out the widget visibility option but I have added the no ads upgrade to the blog so there is no rush to move it at the moment.

    If I do decide to combine it with I can transfer the credit to that account but since it will cost me for the redirect and I will lose my subscribers I will probably leave things as they are for the time being.

    Thanks @anjis3

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