Should I combine my blog with my website? How?

  • Currently I have a website/blog which uses two WordPress sites…the website uses my domain name the other is my BLOG It works well except for the NO ADS feature…I pay to have no ads on the website but if I want no ads on my blog I would have to pay the no ads fee twice.

    I am considering getting rid of and moving the blog to my website so it will be

    I have some questions:
    1)For SEO is it better if my blog is or I have read that it’s better for a website’s SEO to have the blog attached.

    2)Can I move the blog page to for now and keep my blog page unpublished so that I still have it and can use it again either as a blog or for something else?

    3) HOW to do it???? How to get rid of and move the content to

    Thoughts? Suggestions? Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Can I just use Site Redirect without having to export/import since both are hosted by

  • Anyone??? If I import my blog into my website as a page it seems as though photos won’t transfer and my entire blog is photos! Also if I have to pay for the redirect upgrade it seems as though I may as well just pay for no ads and keep things as they are?

  • Thanks for the spam!!!! At least it moves my post up to the top!

  • Wow. Someone got hacked?

    cathyscholl – I would move the blog to your website – it would be pretty easy to do, and it would give your site better SEO, because of the articles which contain keywords. As far as leaving your .com blog unpublished – that I am unsure about. You would probably need to set up a forwarder so that your current followers get to the right place when they go to read your blog, and then notify them to update their bookmarks.

    You should be able to easily add a posts page to the WordPress site – If I understand right that is what you are using. You should be able to export all of your posts and then import them to the website.

  • @anjis3 Thanks. Yes this post got spammed.

    What you are saying about giving my site SEO I agree with but when I read about exporting/importing it says photos are not transferred and I have almost only photos on my blog! So it sounds like a big pain to get all the photos added into the posts, no?

    I’m just thinking if I have to pay $15 to redirect to the new page I may as well pay $30 for no ads and not have to do anything!

    Do I want to add a posts page to the site? How do I get the content to import into that particular page? When you export does it let you choose exactly where you are importing into?

    The blog I want to leave unpublished is the one I would be leaving… I would be taking that content and moving it to a page at

  • You should be able to download the photos and upload them to your new site – the database export should also have information on where the photos were located, so you would just have to make sure to add them to the correct folders in your uploads.

    The posts page will display any posts that you have automatically, so there wouldn’t be a reason that you would have to specify that unless you were only displaying posts from particular categories.

    From what I can see on your site, you have a custom menu item that takes readers offsite to your blog at Changing this to a posts page in your site would actually not look any different than it does now, the content would just be added to the website database, you would add the blog (aka posts page) to the menu. If you have good web hosting, they should be able to help you with uploading your images to the right folders so you don’t end up with a bunch of broken image links.

  • You shouldn’t have to reinsert all the photos if you do it right – that would be the worst case scenario. Ideally you would just upload the images all at once using FTP or a file manager.

  • anjis3 Thanks. I would be moving from one site to another.
    Does that make a difference as far as broken image links?

    FTP or a file manager? I use yummy FTP lite but have no idea how to do it. Are there instructions posted somewhere? I’ve looked around but can’t find anything.

    Can I try this without affecting my current blog so that if I’m not happy with the way it’s going I can leave things as they are?

  • Here is a link that shows you how to export your content:

  • This won’t effect your current blog – all of that will stay the same.

  • and here is a thread from that tells you how to get your images from the .com blog to your website.

  • That last link that I posted deals with the issue of images – they say that the images won’t break and that you can download the images as attachments when you do your export. There is a guided option available if you wanted to do that. This last article also deals with the first question that you had about keeping your .com blog but unpublishing it – which would actually just be setting it to private so that it can redirect your current subscribers.

  • anjis3 thanks VERY much.

    I’m not moving to .org though
    My is a site not custom hosted.
    Just a custom domain
    Do those directions still apply? I will read them now.

  • With the .org – you don’t actually move your site there :) WordPress can be hosted on any web hosting service, but with your website and blog both being on it is probably just easier- you basically just go to tools in your blog, export the content, then go to tools in your WordPress website, and then choose import, select the exported file, and import the content. It might change how you move the images – I have never moved a .com blog to a WordPress hosted domain, but I don’t imagine it would be a lot different.

  • This link talks about merging two sites, but it looks very similar to the other article that I posted:

    Basically you would be merging the posts into your already established WordPress site, which looks a lot like the same process.

  • It looks very complicated to me…but I’m always up for a challenge :)
    Okay…I will give it a shot…fingers crossed!

    Thanks again anjis3

  • Uh-oh…
    I was just about to move my blog away from its separate location ( into my site (which is also a site)
    I just realized that although the blog uses the same theme as my website it has a different look…on the blog I keep a footer but I don’t want that on my website. I think if I combine the two sites I will have to either have a footer on all pages or on none :( which is a deal breaker for me.

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