Question about Pictorio Theme

  • I’ve been using this theme for a while and it recently seems to have changed.

    I used to have all of my posts show up on the home page, but now it only shows eight with the option to load more. I remember setting it to show more posts when I first installed the theme, but I can no longer find that setting.

    Any thoughts?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello!

    I can’t reproduce what I see on your site, but I may have discovered an inexplicable settings tweak that restores the expected behavior of the theme.

    Here is a quick settings change to try.

    1. Unassign the blog page in the Homepage Settings. Choose anything else for the Posts Page assignment and save.
    2. Now reverse those steps. Reassign the blog page as the Posts Page and save.

    This worked for me on two testing sites where I had enough test posts to partly fill a 4 x 4 grid. I didn’t trust it until I reproduced it on a second testing site.

    Let us know if this happens to work for you.

  • @oddologist,

    The number of posts displayed per page may be set at My Site(s) > Settings > Writing > Content types. The number can be changed by simply clicking on the up/down arrows. When you’ve reached the desired number, save the change. See the Content Types section of the Writing Settings support page for relevant instructions and illustration.

    Note that this setting not only affects the blog page, but also all archives pages such as year, month, and date archives, category and tag archives, author archives, etc.

  • Another member has reported what seems to be the same issue re: Pictorico in the topic Pictorio Theme: Grid on Homepage. If the suggestion I made above doesn’t work for you, them please add a “modlook” tag to the sidebar to call for staff attention.

  • You may also use Live Chat Support, which on paid plans may be accessed as described, here: How to Access Live Chat Support.

  • Excellent posts, background, and advice from @musicdoc1!

    To briefly add one more data point: adjusting the number of blog posts with My Site(s) > Settings > Writing > Content types did not affect the size of the post grid on my two test sites with Pictorico. I get the same 4 x 4 grid regardless of the blog posts setting.

    When I switched one of my Pictorico test sites to 2020, I could control the number of blog posts initially displayed on the blog page with the blog posts setting, exactly as-described in @musicdoc1’s first post in this thread.

  • It seems that the problem keeps on with ‘Pictorico’ theme… (and possibly with many others).

    And it’s a very embarrassing problem, especially for those who have been designing the header graphics for each post in order to build a kind of ‘puzzle’ with at least 4 columns x 8 rows … (or even more rows):

    In my opinion, the switch button ‘blog posts’ (…displays 44 per page, or other quantity), in… My Site(s) > Settings > Writing > Content types… has been DISABLED, on purpose.

    It doesn’t even fit with the number of posts that should be shown by default (10): [ “The default number of posts per page is 10. Keep in mind that setting a higher number here may make your blog slower to load.” ]

    It seems as if WordPress is trying to speed up the loading of pages by drastically eliminating and without warning the users the option of having a blog menu greater than 4 rows x 4 columns… meanwhile, some WordPress ‘happy engineers’ argue that it’s some kind of unwilled bug. A reason serious enough to never renew with this hosting platform.

  • @oddologist,

    The issue you’ve described is evidently due to a bug, and it’s been reported to GitHub, where it will be addressed by developers. Please see the support forums topic Pictorio Theme: Grid on Homepage, or the GitHub bug report Infinite Scroll: Unprompted changes to number of posts shown per page for updates on this issue.

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