Page can’t be deleted

  • Hi, I’m trying to delete a page on my site but the link to it still works and it still appears on Google. I tried deleting it and emptying the trash, but the link still works. How do I stop the link from working and removing it from Google?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    Google scans your site and adds the existing pages to its index, but it can take some time before it rechecks your site and updates its information.

    A great option for that is to submit the sitemap following these steps to force google to increase the priority on reindexing your site so the information they have is updated.

    That being said, I see your site is hosted with Siteground rather than so I can only share some general guidelines and recommendations since we’re not able to access the site. In this case you will have to check if your current WordPress installation includes Sitemaps (with self-hosted sites such as yours you might need a plugin to create them)

    Take into account that by migrating your site with us you can enjoy our hands-on specialized WordPress support which could further help you with situations like this one and way more.

    If this might be something you would be interested in don’t hesitate to check this form or answer the thread :)

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