Options for monetizing a wordpress.com blog

  • My blog (http://www.bookbook.com.au) is moderately popular. I’m thinking of taking it a bit more seriously and I’d like to see if I can monetise it. I’m not looking to make lots of money I’m just curious to see what it can make.

    WordPress.com doesn’t currently allow adsense so I think my options are:

    1. Host my own wordpress blog. I did this before and I had lots of problems. I’m also not sure that my adsense revenue would cover the cost of the hosting.

    2. Move my blog to a hosted blog platform that allows ads like Blogger. There’s no simple way to do this unfortunately.

    Does anyone know of any other options

  • How many hits are you getting? I wouldn’t even think of depending on Adsense if I were getting less than a thousand hits a day. And if I were, I wouldn’t get Adsense. I’d work with an ad network and get ads that paid better. I make my living from ads on blogs, and Adsense’s sole advantage is that it’s a no-brainer. Brainers make more money.

    There are no options other than those you mentioned if what you want to do is sell advertising. There are other ways to use a WP.com blog to generate revenue, as can be seen in the FAQ thread called “Types of blogs.” I use one of my WP.com blogs to let people know about classes I hold, authors sell books over theirs, and I know at least one visual and one craft artist who sell their art via the blogs.

  • To be honest I’m just curious more than anything. I’m a long way off 1000 hits a day but I’ve never tried to publicise my blog. I was thinking of taking it a bit more seriously and seeing what I could do. I might just do it without the ads.

  • I’m at about 1500 hits a day on average and there may be some potential advertisers. Can I post ads and links in exchange for payment on my WP.com blog?

  • No. It is against the Terms of Service and while there’s talk about an upgrade at some point, I’ve been told there is nothing in the pipeline for the forseeable future.

  • RC,

    Thanks. This is helpful. That’s what I remembered but couldn’t find it again.

    Can I do it if I set up a WP.org blog?


  • Yes, you can do whatever you want with a WP.org blog. Be aware that when you switch you’re likely to see a drop in hits at first.

  • Hi Ros,

    thanks for this.

    1. I don’t doubt it, but why would hits drop off? (change of URL?)

    2. Any suggestions regarding a host?

  • 1. Yes, change of url generally results in a drop of hits. You’ll regain them over time.

    2. Nope. Try asking at the WP.org forum.

  • Not only change of URLs. You also lose the massive Googlejuice that the tag/category pages here gives you. It is not to be underestimated, by any shot. This is why I advise bloggers to start at WP.com, immediately buy the domain name upgrade so their blog is whatever.com instead of whatever.wordpress.com, and THEN start blogging.

    That way, all internal and external links will still work when you move. Everyone who linked to you when you were here will still link to you when you move. Otherwise, they’re linking to a blog you’re not using anymore. And until you move, you get the huge advantage of the global tag pages. This helps establish you. Once you’re established, then you can move elsewhere.

  • Hi, apologies for hijacking, but all of this leads me onto another relevant question.

    I’ve read so much about monetizing WordPress blogs that I didn’t realise I couldn’t place ads on my WordPress-hosted blog.

    Having bought the domain upgrade through WordPress, am I able to simply move it to another host who will allow me to monetize?


  • You can move the domain to another host, but you won’t be able to use the WP.com blog. You’ll have to download the WP.org software and set it up yourself.

  • RC and Ros,

    This is helpful. Thanks!

  • If you’re looking for an easy transfer to a WordPress friendly host, I know that GoDaddy offers wordpress pre-installed (among other applications). Not advertising for them, just if you are already in the process of looking, they offer that service.

  • I’ve heard enough horror stories about GoDaddy that I would never recommend them. ASmallOrange has a good reputation.

  • I’ve been very happy with A Small Orange. Few problems, and they are very responsive if there is a problem.

  • Have you read the thread?

  • I am also trying to see what is possible and like Cebp, I’m not exactly in it to make bundles of cash. There is an ad network (the name escapes me) where you create a small ad and in exchange for displaying other sites ads on your sidebar, they will do the same for you. Only problem is I don’t believe they supported WP integration. I tried to use the text widget to enter the html, but it didn’t work either.

    I wholly agree on the changing your whatever.wordpress.com to whatever.com, but there will still be people who link your .wordpress address when helping you get the word out. Be careful about changing your whatever.wordpress to another whatever.wordpress as when you do, it will erase all of your blog stats (quite frustrating).

    On another note, I debate with myself if promoting what I do as a site and not a blog has its advantages. I kind of doubt it but as I rarely include my own opinion on my WP blog, I don’t like to advertise it as a blog.

    I believe in what I do and I’m also a writer but even still, it is hard to get related sites to pick up your address and carry it. So far, after some 4 months of almost daily posting, and many many emails to other sites, only other related blogs have picked me up.

    Good luck

  • If you engage in blog advertising of that kind, you are exposing your blog to the risk of being deleted. I have seen it happen.

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