New Website/ Google Implications

  • We are in the process of creating a new website to replace our existing site which has had a significant amount of SEO updates implemented over the past two years by a contracted marketing company.
    Currently we are using the platform hosted by FlyWheel. However, we would like to shift to (Hosted by WordPress). The concern is, if we shift from .org to .com, will we be starting over in terms of our Google rankings. We’ve done so much thus far using organic tactics such as SEO-friendly content and keywords embedded on our site, development of a blog, utilization of backlinks… all the ‘standard’ best-practice tactics to increase our rankings with Google. We’re just concerned that shifting to will essentially force us to start over. Can you please explain the implications of this? Is it any worse than creating an entirely new site in the environment? Would the impact to SEO be the same if we did it on

    Self-declared URL: n/a
    Jetpack: Unknown Unknown

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • With the caveat that nobody can PROMISE what Google or other search engines will do…

    Generally if your content and URLs are all the same, switching hosts will not have a significant impact (and likely none at all) on your previous SEO efforts.

    What you’ll want to do is to purchase a Business plan:

    Choose a Plan » Business Plan
    5 min read
    Choose the Business plan to create a supercharged WordPress website with plugins, third-party themes, and everything else you need to host a professional website. This guide explains what’s included in the Business plan. Included in the Business Plan The Business plan gives you: WordPress hosting. Everything included in the free version of Everythin

    …and then follow these instructions to use the Move to plugin:

    Import a Website » Import using Move to
    3 min read
    Use the Move to plugin to migrate a self-hosted WordPress site to Follow the steps in this guide to import your site (including your content, media, plugins, and theme) directly from your wp-admin dashboard. Prerequisites To follow the steps in this guide, you will need: Your source site: a WordPress site with any other hosting provider (referred to as a se

    This will move your site as completely and exactly as possible to hosting. Content, compatible plugins, themes, media, and URLs should all be the same. Which is exactly what you want. As far as Google is concerned, nothing should look different.

    Let us know if you have any questions!

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