Libsyn podcast embed not working on Creator plan

  • Hi there,

    As mentioned in the title. I found a lot of posts from people with the same issue but it seems that they didn’t have plugin enabled plans.

    According to this page, I should be able to use iframe code snippets on the Creator plan. Any help appreciated!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    Before you’ll be able to do that, you’ll want to install any plugin or third-party theme on your site. This will kickstart all the necessary structural changes that happen behind the scenes :)

  • I tried installing a plugin, but nothing changed apart from the feature images breaking until I uninstalled the same plugin. Rank Math was the plugin I used since we need to install it anyway.

    Any other suggestions?

  • When you activate the managed hosting features of the Creator plan (which you can trigger automatically by trying to add a plugin or theme) you are right, nothing should change. In this case I think there may have been some kind of conflict created by the Rank Math plugin, which caused featured images to not work. This is hard to look into while the plugin is inactive. Did you wish to continue to use it, or was that just to enable the managed hosting features.

    I can confirm they are still active, so if you add your iFrame code now does it work correctly? If not let us know where you added it and we can take a look, thanks!

  • Thanks for the reply, totoro.

    Here’s the post with the iFrame embedded in it. You can see the large blank space where it should be underneath the regular audio file embed.

    I just installed Rank Math as it’s a plugin I know is up-to-date and commonly used. I actually want to use SEO Press. I’ve now installed that. The feature images are fine, just the Libsyn embed still not working. Here’s a screenshot from the editor.

    Will check back here tomorrow.

  • Hi there, this is what I see when looking at your above post. The Libsyn embed is pushed to the extreme left side of my browser window.

  • Super helpful, thank you for that. Tagging @staff-totoro in case they missed it.

  • @staff-totoro @staff-mckluskey Hey, just wanted to check in on this if there’s any news on a fix.

    Thanks <3

  • Hi @fluxeteam based on my investigation, it seems there is something in the iframe code itself that causes it to align to the left. There was not a specific override you can employ in the HTML block to affect this, since the nature of iframe code is that it can’t be easily changed or styled.

    However, I did a bit of testing and I found that if you place your HTML block inside a Group block, that helps to contain it to the content area. You can see how to contain the HTML block inside the Group block by watching the video I recorded here.

    More info about Group Blocks here as well:

    Blocks (The Full List) » Group Block
    6 min read
    The Group block brings together other blocks inside one container so that you can set a background color, adjust spacing, and organize different page sections. This guide will explain how to use the Group block on your site. Video Introduction Create a Group There are a few ways to group blocks together. You can choose to start with an empty Group block and add content to it, or y

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

  • Thank you so much 🙏

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