Editing the Comment Prompt

  • @timethief

    I don’t think the ability to change the comment prompt wording has existed as long as I have been here but I’m not sure of that.

    That’s possible. I know the commenting and sharing options as the currently exist were only created when WordPress.com was already a few years old, and I’d assume that option was implemented at the same time.

    I agree it’s disappointing – I use that feature myself – but at this point it appears unlikely that the decision will be reversed. I have passed along the feedback, though.

  • This option certainly was available in WordPress.com couple of weeks ago when I last used it.

    Is it now correct understanding that whatever is written now in the prompt will stay that way to the end of time?

    To me changes like this should be done so that people get time to prepare themselves, i.e. in this case make sure the prompt text will survive time.

  • @orangedevilsfan

    I don’t think it was intentional that the setting be disabled for someone who already has a custom prompt set. I’m following up with our developers on that.

  • @kokkieh – any news here? Thanks.

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