Domain transfer paid but doesn't work

  • Hello,

    I made a domain transfer more than 2 weeks ago from google domain to wordpress (I paid 18€ for that) but nothing works since then. My domain is unavailable and I can’t receive or send any e-mail from the adress I created with wordpress, despite the fact that the domain section says everything is ok, that it’s registered and everything.

    This domain and website is my work. I need to receive e-mails on this adress and I need my readers to find me with this adress not with another one.

    Can anybody help me ?


    Melanie Lily

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Melanie:

    Transferring your domain only transfers the domain – email is a separate thing that you need to configure once you change domain registrars.

    We have a number of options for your email that you can review here:

    Since you want an email with your custom domain, I recommend our own Professional Email service:

    Let us know if you have any questions.

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