Domain name change to have only one custom domain

  • I selected a wrong domain name while it was getting generated when I first registered on WordPress last month. I received an email but I haven’t activated the domain name yet because i want to change it. I want a different domain name means the part- ‘shalvipawarin’ needs to be changed and I’m also thinking of removing ‘’ too to get a custom domain.For that I am thinking of upgrading to Premium, but I want ONLY ONE domain name and not multiple ones. How do I do that without deleting my account? Also, when I select a theme how do I change the main image on my site which people will see when they open the site? Cant find any way.

  • Hi there,

    To change your site address, navigate to your account account click on My Sites > Manage > Domains, and click on your site address, then click on the Change site address link. Enter the new address as desired and click the Change site address button to save the changes.

    Here is the guide with detailed instructions:

    Please note, once you change the site address, the old URL will stop working immediately and can unfortunately not be redeemed for future use.

    Custom Domain

    Once you upgrade to any paid plan, you’ll receive a free domain credit for one year. With that, you can register a new domain by going to My Sites > Manage > Domains and add a new domain. Your new domain will be connected to your site and all traffic will be directed to it.

    If you prefer to purchase a domain from a different registrar, you can map it to your site by following the instructions in this guide:

    Change Feature Image

    Please follow this guide to change the feature image:

  • @shalvipawar97 just checking in to see if you still needed help with this.

    For domains, you’ll add a custom domain that hides your underlying free address. So the free address will always exist, but your readers won’t see it if you upgrade to a custom domain. From there, if you wanted to add more custom domains, you could, but it sounds like you just wanted one.

    Also, for the main image on your site, edit the page, tap the image, and choose replace. You can upload your own or pick one from Pexels — whatever works for you.

    Let us know if you have more questions!

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