Do I need a discaimer for my blog?

  • Do you think it would be a good idea? And do you know what I need o put in it?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Well, first I’d have to ask, why do you feel the need for a disclaimer?

  • Well, I sometimes say bad things about people and I use a lot of pictures/videos that are not my own.

  • I have both a Disclaimer & Copyright Infringement pages. I have to because people usually threaten me legally.

    Has anyone ever threatened to sue you before? Do you libel people? Could your words hurt someone’s company? Could what you say tarnish an entire industry?

    If you answered yes, then you need one.

  • okay, that’s helpful! do you also have any idea of how i’m supposed to write one? lol

  • Are you clear on what a disclaimer is and what a dislosure statement is, and the types of blogs allowed on

    Disclaimers are legal statements that disclose the fact that you are blogging to make money, and being paid to blog. A disclosure policy lets your readers know exactly how you are compensated and how that affects your articles and services. This makes your readers more comfortable with the content you provide.

    See types of blogs allowed and not allowed >
    See also advertising >
    We cannot use blogs to drive traffic to 3rd party sites >

    con’t below

  • You can click ny username and locate an example of a Disclosure Policy on the bottom of my About page.

    Well i sometimes say bad things about people …

    If you defame another person by committing libel know that no Disclaimer statement can save your ass from being sued for maliciously shooting off your mouth and defaming another person’s character and negatively affecting their reputation. The law applies in cyberspace and libeling others can lead to having your blog here suspended or deleted.
    See >

    … and I use a lot of pictures/videos that are not my own.

    If you violate copyright then once again no there is no “get away free” Disclaimer that you can post on your blog that will save you ass from the person whose content you stole from taking action against you. Also take note what the ToS states about copyright and copyright violations.

    There is no shortage of images and videos that can be used with proper attribution to their creators. There are 71 sources of free images listed on my Resources page. Simply follow the Terms of Use on the sites that provide them.

  • Lst year the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued new guidelines that require bloggers to “disclose material connections” for product or service endorsements. In fact, according to The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), “People who blog, tweet or use Facebook to post opinions about consumer products could be fined $11,000 for repeat violations of new federal disclosure rules.”

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