Deleting Templates On New Editor

  • For one of my pages it has two images showing. I’m trying to delete one but I can’t seem to figure out how.  How do I delete one 

    I can’t send screenshots through here

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • In the Block editor, you can click page elements displayed to the right to interact with them similarly to how it was done with the older Customizer editor.

    Just click on the image and select the delete option in the context window that appears. You may have to click more than once to get down to the image if it is contained within other elements.

    I had to click three times before the image block was selected on its own. You can hit the ellipsis on the end of the context bar and choose delete, or hit the delete key on your keyboard.

    By the way, the forums use many of the same blocks as the site editor.

    If you want to add a screenshot, you can add an Image Block to your forum post. This can be useful if you are using a mobile device or don’t have a working keyboard.

  • ok

    But whenever I wanna add a screenshot I can never seem to do it through the forums

  • ok and also for my theme how do I add images to the empty squares for my blog posts pages. Idk if you know what I’m talking about

  • Also I’m trying to add a video to my blog post from my phone. Its asking me to scan a qr code. How do I do that? I never really use qr codes

  • I’m sorry, I am not familiar with the mobile app. QR codes are predominantly used to display a URL in a visual format. When you scan a code it will load a web address.

    I am guessing that this QR Code is simply a shortcut to your Media Storage page. You should be able to navigate to your Media Storage and upload any files want to use on your site.

    You can use the Video block in the page/post editor to display media on your site either from uploaded videos or from embedded content from video-sharing sites like YouTube and Vimeo.

    If you are unable to save images or videos to your Media storage, then an alternative is to link a Google Photos account and then use videos stored there.

    As for the empty image squares on your blog posts, what you need to do is set a Featured Image for the post. When editing a post you will see in the sidebar menu an option to add a featured image.

    If you’d like you can also link the images on your homepage to matching categories so that instead of displaying an image when clicked, the images will be hotlinks directing visitors to your associated content. So the Fashion, Entertainment, and TV images would each link to either a Page or Category featuring related items.

    The link button is found on the editor ribbon. Just select the image block or any other block you want to link and tap on the Link button. Then in the box that appears you can either type in a URL or a Tag, Category, or post name. The text box will automatically search and display any site content that is related to the text you enter in the box. This makes it easy to search for the right object to link.

    I hope this helps. Feel free to ask any other questions you may have.

  • ok thanks

    and for the featured image part will I have to do that manually for each posts even for older posts. Cuz I don’t just wanna have empty squares showing

  • And for the images on the homepage I know u suggested links. How do I navigate to that. When I click on image I don’t see a link option. This new editor confuses me

  • Yes, you will need to manually add a Featured Image to each post for this to work.

    In the new editor, if you just keep clicking on the image it should eventually get down to just the actual picture and not the object it is contained inside. Once you have the image itself selected, then you should see the Link option on the bar.

  • ok that sucks. I don’t really wanna do it manually for each post. So when people read the blog post they will just see empty squares

    I also wanna customize my site with search follow button social media links etc but I find this new editor so confusing. But I can do that from the block editor right

  • Yes, that’s correct. Using the block editor you can add each of those page elements to your site.

    The Social Media buttons fit nicely into either a Header or Footer bar.

    I especially like the Nook Theme which conveniently incorporates the About page and Social Media buttons into a single sidebar on the home screen.

  • Which one does my site have header or footer?

    ok and is the nook theme available to use

  • Nook is one of the free themes available for blogs.

    All sites should include a Header and Footer. These can be customized in the Editor to include any pages, posts, or other site navigation items you want.

  • I noticed you have two About pages on your site. This may cause some confusion for search engines.


    About Me

    Also on your landing page, the Home button is currently linked to a website that has been deleted (, instead of your blog homepage.

    Choosing a theme that uses your Blog as the home page instead of a Static page would be more user-friendly for readers following your work.

  • yes that’s what I was saying before about deleting the two about pages I don’t know how. I find this editor confusing. Will you be able to delete one of the about pages for me . I want my current about page

    and how do I delete the old site. Can you delete it on your end

    I rather have a stactic homepage for my site instead of my blog posts

  • I’m actually not a member of staff. I have pinged the mods and hopefully, they will respond soon.

    As a fellow blogger, I try to offer assistance whenever I can. I’ve found that by helping others this allows me to learn more about the platform and how to grow myself.

    You can actually delete Pages directly from the Dashboard. The process is the same as when deleting Posts. Just tap on the ellipsis (3 dots) and choose the delete option.

    After that, you would want to double-check that your “About” button on the homepage is linked to the correct page.

  • Ok. Yes I understand thank you for your help

  • I hope a staff member can help me as far as deleting the one of the About pages since you stated I have two

  • I have already tried deleting one of them but can’t seem to

  • And also the empty squares. I noticed on my homepage there’s an empty square at the top which I can’t seem to delete

    And as far as customizing my site with social media links follow button etc I find this editor very confusing to use

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