A question about Reusable Blocks

  • Howdy, I’ve created a block as a part of an existing post and want to reuse the layout of the block, but change the content of that block from post to post.

    According to this support guide https://wordpress.com/support/wordpress-editor/blocks/reusable-block/#edit-reusable-block changing the content of the block will then update/change the content everywhere the block has been used.

    Is there a way I can keep the block layout, but change its contents without affecting existing content?

    Thanks in advance

  • OK – I think I might have this figured out, but it’s not mentioned in the support guide I linked to previously.

    After you insert the reusable block in a post or page, and while the block is still highlighted, there’s an option to “convert to regular blocks”. Doing so appears to “disconnect” it so one can change the content without affecting the original reusable block.

    I see that someone added a tag for Staff here, so I’ll ask if this can be accomplished in another, perhaps more straightforward, way? Thanks again.

  • Hi @justjennifer!

    I added the tag to try and see if I could find any alternative but I think that what you have done is probably your best bet.
    The Reusable Block was created specifically for reusing content, not layout. I’ll add your idea to our list though, maybe we can get a layout block in the future :)

  • Thanks @staff-mckluskey – I did look again at the support guide and saw the mention of “convert to regular block” there, but didn’t connect it to what I was trying to do with the layout block.

    I’m still thinking there’s a better way to do this, so I’ll keep poking around. :)

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