Ebook: 365 Writing Prompts

A bit of writing inspiration for every day of the year

Do you need a gentle nudge to help make writing a habit? Looking for an idea on how to get started or a way to warm-up to your writing projects? We’ve got you covered. Download 365 Days of Writing Prompts and you’ve got an entire year of writing inspiration at your fingertips.

If you’re working so hard on building a writing habit, why not treat yourself to a custom domain and more design options? Find a WordPress.com plan that’s right for you.

365 Invitations à Écrire

.pdf | .mobi | .epub

365 Apuntes Diarios Para Escribir

.pdf | .mobi | .epub

365 Hari Tuntunan Menulis

.pdf | .mobi | .epub

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  1. I’m seriously stunned. I’ve searched long and hard for good writing prompts. These prompts are beyond good. The LAST thing I ever expected was to find so many, so well organized, so well presented, and FREE?!?!?

    Thank you. (!!!)


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  3. i saw this too late so im starting it for February. then am planning to do a one shot post for january prompts that i missed. is that a good plan? need advice before january ends!


      1. Don’t mention it, my pleasure. I work well when I feel a certain sense of accountability. A “buddy system” is also good! I am now off to Follow you.
        Take Care.


      2. 365 days can start from any day you don’t necessarily have to start at Jan 1. A year is a period measured by the calendar but the actual period doesn’t need to be according to the calendar. For example the Financial Year is a period of 365 days but it’s not according to the calendar (at least here in Aus that’s the case) or if you get a referral that lasts a year from your doctor in mid October, it’s valid for a 365 day period from the day you get it.
        Take the same attitude to this.


  4. Thanks for this ideas, I have just scan it and its great. since I’m to late to follow it. I will just try to get the best dates that i think that have the best topic. But I still need to make own mark as a blogger, need to find my own inspiration for writing. Anyways this are really good ideas 🙂
