Ebook: 365 Writing Prompts

A bit of writing inspiration for every day of the year

Do you need a gentle nudge to help make writing a habit? Looking for an idea on how to get started or a way to warm-up to your writing projects? We’ve got you covered. Download 365 Days of Writing Prompts and you’ve got an entire year of writing inspiration at your fingertips.

If you’re working so hard on building a writing habit, why not treat yourself to a custom domain and more design options? Find a WordPress.com plan that’s right for you.

365 Invitations à Écrire

.pdf | .mobi | .epub

365 Apuntes Diarios Para Escribir

.pdf | .mobi | .epub

365 Hari Tuntunan Menulis

.pdf | .mobi | .epub

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  1. Value is in the eyes of the beholder. When all individuals except information, that is relevant, to their blog, then they need to expand information, for all to see, and to incorporate details, to have them aware, of how important and relevant it can be for today, and for as long as they tell from their heart and soul, to have everyone benefit. In a community setting, as we are all here to assist each other, as knowledge is power.


  2. In society as a whole, we can only do as good as we know. But having encouragement, will only allow us progress, each and every day, that is being focused, as each day that passes, will allow our content to expand in the horizons, to all over the globe, in being an empathetic and Natural Writer, that we have in all our hearts to show the world, how relevant, each and everyone in this room, can be.


  3. downloaded. many thanks 🙂 wordpress is the best. i appreciate all the ideas you guys put in and all the efforts the editors take. I love freshly pressed. daily prompts. and everything about wordpress. you guys rock!


  4. To whom it may concern….

    If this is an E-Book of 365 Prompts, is it not downloadable? If so, how does one go about finding the link so that the e-book can in fact be downloaded.

    Thank you.
    Obsessive Compulsive going around in circles

    P.S. Where the hay is the send button?


    1. It certainly is downloadable — just click on the blue button that corresponds to the format you need (Kindle, iBook, PDF). The button are right in the main body of the post.


  5. I have trouble finding things to write about most of the time. I was pleased to find this, even though I was a week late getting started. Now I may write every day. Very inspiring. Thanks!


  6. Thank you very much; it was a blessing to find this blog. 🙂 I am a writer, and I don’t get the block that often, but when I do I visit this! Much better prompts than those lurking on the Interwebs hehe. 🙂 Thanks again!
